TONIKAWA: Nasa Faces an Unexpected New Rival… and A Deepening Mystery

WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Episode 4 of TONIKAWA: Over the Moon For You, now streaming on Crunchyroll.

Nasa is finally starting to get used to married life with the mysterious Tsukasa, and he is determined to give his new bride the dream proposal and wedding she almost definitely wants. However, more obstacles lay ahead than simply finding a ceremony venue.

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Tsukasa was not totally alone, even before she married Nasa Yuzaki. She was the foster daughter of the elderly Tokiko, and had a foster sister name Chitose. Now Chitose is on Tsukasa's doorstep, determined to get her back. Tsukasa has other ideas.

The Failed Negotiations With Chitose

nasa and chitose talking

That afternoon, Tsukasa returns home alone, wondering when her new husband will come back. Just as she prepares to make a nice lunch, the doorbell rings, and Tsukasa opens the door to face not Nasa, but Chitose, her younger foster sister. Chitose had tracked her foster sister down and is now demanding her return, since (as far as she can tell) Tsukasa can't easily function on her own. Tsukasa flatly refuses, and she even reveals her marital status, much to Chitose's shock. Then Nasa comes back, and once Nasa explains that he is Tsukasa's husband, the fight is on.

Chitose can't stand the idea of her sister being married to some bozo she barely knows, and she's determined to tear Nasa apart. Nasa, for his part, is perfectly ready to negotiate all this with Chitose so everyone can be happy. Tsukasa is impressed with her husband's maturity and diplomatic skills, but alas, they're wasted on the h0t-headed Chitose, who snaps her fingers as a command. Her limo pulls up, and one of the familys butlers ties up Nasa and tosses him into the backseat. Nasa is hauled right off to the family estate, and Chitose explains to her captive that she'll dissolve this marriage by any means she can. Nasa is getting a little concerned.

Fighting Over The Moon Princess

nasa and group

Chitose has a simple plan: use the paparazzi to shame Nasa and "prove" to Tsukasa what a sleazy cheater he is. She brings in two maids, Charlotte and Aurora, and orders them to take a few pictures with Nasa and create a doctored image to Chitose's liking. Aurora delivers the goods with astonishing speed, and Nasa can hardly believe his eyes. Nasa slips away while Chitose is preoccupied, ending up in a very special room. Among other treasures, this room contains an ultra-rare moon rock, sealed in a display case with carefully-controlled air inside. Nasa is reminded of the moon castle of Princess Kaguya, a place that people can see but never visit. This moon rock is Tsukasa's treasure, and it deepens the connection between his mysterious new bride and the fabled princess.

That's when Chitose and Charlotte barge in. Charlotte swings a giant sword to destroy Nasa, cracking the moon rock's display case. Before the rock is ruined by exposure to regular air, Nasa patches up the display case, and the rock is saved. Chitose explains how important that rock is for Tsukasa's happiness, and asks Nasa what he even knows about his bride, since he seems largely ignorant. Nasa happily describes the small but comforting details, from the warmth of Tsukasa's hand to her good cooking to her amusingly restless sleep. Chitose isn't impressed, and explains that Tsukasa saved her life when she nearly fell off a cliff face.

Tsukasa herself arrives and crashes the party, unconvinced by the doctord paparazzi photo as she swipes her husband and makes off with him. She's not angry, just concerned, and she leads Nasa through a secret passage that leads to a lovely church. Nasa decides that after all he's been through, he is definitely committed to his wife, and he declares that he will play a more active role in their marriage. Tsukasa is delighted, and it's at that moment when they have their proper first kiss. It looks like their marriage can survive just about anything. Nasa plans to take off like a space rocket for the stars, with Tsukasa as his loving co-pilot.

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