Miss Nagatoro! Ups the Ante With an R-Rated Food Game

WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Episode 4 of Don't Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro!, now streaming on Crunchyroll.

Naoto Hachioji can't seem to catch a break. He wanted to have a quiet and ordinary second year in high school where he could sketch still life images in peace, but no such luck. Every day brings a new challenge or game, and Hayase Nagatoro can't stop toying with him. Episode 4 of Don't Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro! is no different.

Hayase Nagatoro is one persistent first-year, and she's determined to wear down Naoto's defenses and see what really makes him tick. She is eager to see Naoto's authentic side in action, and even her friends Gamo and Yoshi join the fun in the latest episode, which involves food games of the R-Rated variety.

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Gamo & Yoshi Toy With Naoto

Naoto is trying to have a peaceful lunch when someone bangs open the art room's door. Naoto braces himself for another typhoon of Hayase Nagatoro's antics, but instead, Gamo and Yoshi corner him. At once, Gamo asks a naughty question, inquiring about whether Naoto has ever gotten to second base with a girl. The answer is a firm no, and Gamo offers to help Naoto reach that particular milestone. Naoto can hardly believe it when the girls seize his wrist and does indeed get him to second base on Gamo, but surprise: Gamo had hidden a squishy bean bun under her uniform shirt, and that's what Naoto had been touching. When Hayase arrives, she's outraged -- chasing off her friends. Then it's her turn to play.

Messing around with Naoto is Hayase's bread and butter, but she also has her jealous side, protecting Naoto from the antics of her friends. She wants Naoto all to herself, and this time, she insists on another version of the bean bun game. Hayase has a second, different bean bun with her and slips both of them under her uniform shirt, asking Naoto to feel them and guess which is which. Naoto plays along, until one of the buns slips out, and a wildly awkward moment soon follows. Overwhelmed, Hayase calls off the game and eats the premium bun she had brought along. The fun and games end there as even Hayse is too flustered to keep going.

Hayase Nagatoro Seeks Naoto's Heart

hayase naoto nagatoro

The next day, Hayse Nagatoro is back to her usual sadodere self, and she wants to have an authentic, heart-to-heart moment with her senpai. After class, in the art room, Hayase asks Naoto to pay her some honest compliments, and Naoto thinks up a few, such as how Hayase delivered a cool kick to act out a scene from his amateur manga series. Hayase isn't so sure how to return the favor, though, so she pushes a couch into the room and assumes a few different poses, asking to be sketched. Naoto complies, but he's too tense. There's no way can he draw Hayase while he's feeling so flustered. Hayase is being relatively nice, and Naoto hardly knows how to act. Fortunately for him, she soon starts napping, and Naoto feels inspired.

Naoto is clearly fond of Hayase's quiet, peaceful side, and he happily sketches his dozing subject, even if the results are imperfect. Hayase is delighted once she checks out the final product, and even offers a kiss. This wouldn't be the first time she extended an olive branch to the hapless Naoto, but guess what: she uses a soft, squishy toy instead of her real lips, and Naoto can only hang his head in shame. Still, it's clear that Hayase values Naoto's passion for art, making him a more genuine person than many of the shallow students around her. Surely, Hayse Nagatoro will be back again to toy with Naoto's artistic side in future episodes, and perhaps score another wonderful sketch in the process. Naoto's good for more than just being a fun doormat to toss around, after all.

Sarada Sharingan
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