Avatar: 5 Times Princess Azula Wasn’t THAT Bad

Nobody in Avatar: The Last Airbender is purely good or evil, but Princess Azula is certainly one of the eviller characters. Azula was born with everything: firebending talent, wealth, prestige, a sharp intellect and ample opportunity to use it all. She is notorious for her cruelty and power-hungry ways, but Azula isn't a one-dimensional villain. Whether or not she can truly find redemption, the following five moments prove she has good within her.

When Azula Welcomed Zuko Back To The Fire Nation

Fire Nation War Meeting

At the start of Book Two, Azula tried to capture both Zuko and Iroh to drag them back to the Fire Nation as prisoners. However, by Book Three, Zuko had been welcomed back to his homeland for real, and his sister Azula made him feel at home.

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By now, Azula had a higher opinion of her brother, being impressed by his apparent loyalty to the Fire Nation, and she genuinely wanted Zuko to be happy there. In Azula's eyes, the family was together again at last (she doesn't typically count Ursa), and this was something to celebrate. However, Zuko's conflicted feelings were roiling under the surface, and Azula didn't yet realize that.

When Azula Shipped Zuko & Mai

Azula and Zuko have known Mai and Ty Lee since their childhood days, and even back then, Zuko and Mai were special to each other. Azula took note of this, and she gently teased Mai and her brother about it. Given how cruel Azula can be, this gentle teasing was downright charming, making it seem as if she really did enjoy the idea of Zuko and Mai being together.

Besides, if Zuko can get himself a girlfriend, then maybe both of them would stay out of Azula's way. At the time, Mai was rather annoyed by all this, but eventually, Zuko and Mai would get together, so Azula's instincts were right.

When Azula Wanted To Party With Common Folk

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By Fire Nation royalty standards, at least, the other vacationers at Ember Island counted as "common folk," and Azula was a little curious about how they live their lives. For the most part, Azula revels in the adoration and deference everyone gives her as royalty, but once in a while, it's nice to take a break.

Azula caught wind of a house party on Ember Island, and she wanted to attend the party anonymously and explore a whole new world. Azula had an awkward time of it, especially since her ego isn't easily concealed, but she gave it a try, and she didn't mean any harm. No one could blame Azula for wanting to take a break from being a scary princess and partying it up as an "ordinary" girl.

When Azula Tried To Get A Boyfriend

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Arranged marriages are the order of the day for royalty, but for the time being, Azula didn't mind trying her hand at the game of love, commoner style. Azula was secretly insecure about her ability to impress boys, and she admitted as much to Ty Lee, a social butterfly.

As such, Azula acted less like a tyrannical princess and more like an ordinary, relatable girl as she tried to meet some boys at the party and make a good impression. After a few false starts, Azula had a genuine moment with one of the boys out on the starlit balcony, and she had a great time, even if she killed the mood at the last minute. At least she tried.

When Azula Helped Her Friends Blow Off Steam

During that same trip to Ember Island, Azula showed her gentle side once again when she, Zuko, Mai and Ty Lee retired to the moonlit beach around a modest campfire to talk things out. All four of them aired out their intense personal baggage, including Azula. She was hurting since her own mother saw her as a monster, and that made Azula rather empathetic when the other three took their turns to air out their problems.

Azula knew that the four of them needed to blow off a little more steam, so at her suggestion, the four of them tore up the house of the smug, obnoxious host. That was a highly destructive and petty act, but it was all to make Azula's friends feel better. For once, her destructive tendencies helped someone.

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