Anime Anatomy: 5 Weird Secrets About Asuna Yuuki’s Body

Sword Art Online's Yuuki Asuna, or just 'Asuna' for her screen name, has proven to be one of the strongest characters in the online world. It's not hard to see why she's one of the most popular characters in the series, too. She's a kind, caring girl with a bit of tsundere mixed in -- a great combination for a much-loved character. But her personality isn't the only reason why fans adore her.

There's much more to Asuna than just a pretty face. She's a highly-skilled player and someone who others can rely on in their time of need. So, let's see what makes Asuna, and her unique physical attributes, so special.

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Asuna's Avatars Don't Always Look Like Her

asuna smiling sword art online

Asuna's avatars often have some resemblance to her real-life appearance, particularly her brown hair and the way she styles it. There are two exceptions to this rule, though; both of which appear in Alfheim Online. The first is her second avatar, which still looks like her SAO counterpart, but is blue in color scheme. The hair and style of clothing still very much resembles her original design, but her eyes and hair are blue instead of the usual brown. The second is also an Alfheim Online avatar. Going by the username Erika, this avatar is one that Asuna uses when she wants to change up her looks. This version of Asuna has short green hair and green eyes.

Asuna Is a Healer But Mastered the Rapier

asunas sword sword art online

Asuna's weapon of choice in SAO is her rapier, named Lambent Light. When she first started in the game, she took five iron rapiers into a dungeon and stayed there until she collapsed from exhaustion and was subsequently helped by Kirito. The rapier was also the weapon she used in Alfheim Online, despite being a healer. This gave her the nickname of "Beserker Healer." Usually, healers tend to stay behind the tank characters because they are more susceptible to taking damage thanks to their defenses being much weaker. Asuna, however, seems to want to stick to what she knows. Some habits are hard to break.

Asuna Is One of the Fastest Characters Online

kirito asuna and their swords sword art online

Because the rapier is a weapon that relies more on piercing damage rather than slashing like a regular sword, one must be able to land multiple blows in quick succession. It makes sense that Asuna would need to be fast in order to master the weapon. Because of this, she's earned another nickname, "Lightning Flash" in SAO. Her quick movements and abilities with the rapier also earned her the spot as Sub-Leader for the Knights of Blood guild in SAO. She might even give Kirito a run for his money.

Asuna Also Mastered Daggers

Not only is Asuna a master with the rapier, but she also taught herself how to use the daggers for close combat fights in Alfheim Online. Using her Erika avatar, she uses her speed to close in on enemies before cutting them down with her daggers. This is quite different from her usual rapier as it requires her to get closer to the enemies (and their weapons) in order to do damage, opening her up to attacks more-so than her preferred weapon. So, not only did she want to change her appearance with this avatar but she also decided to change up her fighting style.

Asuna Biggest Weakness Is Astral-Type Monsters

asuna upset sword art online

This speaks more to her personality rather than her physical attributes, but sometimes fear can keep a person from moving, especially if you're so afraid of astral-type monsters that you can't even poke a rapier at. Asuna has been shown to avoid the horror-themed Labyrinths within SAO, so it's safe to say she's not big on scary things. While not something that is a major weakness, if a foe appears that happens to have the astral attribute, it may pose a problem in the larger scale of things. Looks like Kirito might on his own if they ever come across any ghost or undead enemies.

Asuna has been the target of criticism, both negative and positive, but overall, she still appears to be one of the most popular characters in anime. Fans either love her or they just like her. While her Titania incarnation split opinion over whether she was downgraded to damsel in distress or not, it seems that once she was rescued by Kirito, things went back to normal.

Whatever fans' opinion on her as a character, it's clear that she and Kirito were made for each other. There is rarely a problem they can't tackle together, and as a romantic couple, they are one that fans hope to emulate in their own lives. Overall, Asuna is a solid character with skills and physical attributes that would complete any adventuring party. She's dexterous, great with a rapier and daggers, and she has a glowing personality that matches her attractiveness.

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