40 Berlin Clubs Will Get €10,000 to Celebrate Revival of Club Culture

Berlin Club Commission is holding another Tag Der Clubkultur on October 3rd, 2021.

Launched in 2020, the initiative will see 40 clubs or collectives awarded €10,000 to throw an event. A panel of music professionals—including DJ Gigola, Lewamm “Lu” Ghebremariam, Pansy, Volkan Ağar and Whitney Wei—will choose the winners.

“While the focus of the day of club culture last year was on clarifying the emergency situation and the importance of Berlin’s clubs and organizers,” writes the Club Commission, “this year’s activities aim to focus optimism on the revival of Berlin’s club culture.”

SEE MORE: Scientists Are Looking For Volunteers To Go Clubbing In Paris

Clubs and collectives will be able to apply throughout July and the winners will be chosen in September. As well as the 40 regular winners, there will be one special prize for a collective with an outstanding socio-political contribution.

Applications are open throughout July, with winners selected in September – a special prize is also being awarded for socio-political activism.

Apply here.