REVIEW: DC’s Nightwing #93

Fans sorely and dearly miss the Wayne Manor butler and father figure to the Bat-Family, Alfred Pennyworth. Using the billions left as an inheritance from Alfred, Dick Grayson tries to do the right thing by creating a safe haven for the underprivileged and at-risk children whom the city of Blüdhaven has completely written off. In his war to carry on Pennyworth's legacy, Grayson has been the target of the city's corrupt institutions, but thankfully, his alter-ego, Nightwing, is here to save the day. Written by Tom Taylor with artwork from Bruno Redondo, Wade Von Grawbadger, and Adriano Lucas and lettering by Wes Abbott, Nightwing #93 heats up the tussle between Blockbuster and Grayson as Heartless uses the situation to his advantage.

Nightwing #93 continues the story from the previous issue's cliffhanger, bringing two of the greatest thorns in Nightwing's side on a collision course with each other. Heartless comes after Blockbuster with a proposition. He wants to give Blüdhaven hope and then tear out its heart, but before that, he needs Blockbuster to hand over his hold on the city, all for a handsome fee. A scuffle ensues, ending with one of them falling on the pavement below. Meanwhile, Commissioner Maclean cordons off Grayson's Haven project, tripling the police presence. As the officers heckle the kids, Maclean calls a press conference to address the "criminal activities" in the Haven. Unbeknownst to him, Dick is ready with his counteroffensive.

"It takes a different kind of hero to help without a mask." These were the final words of encouragement Alfred passed on to Dick. While they may seem simple, it has made such an impact on Grayson that not only has he had them etched on Alfred's monument in the Haven, but he has spent his life living up to it. Nightwing #93 shows that while Nightwing is still in the driver's seat, fighting Blüdhaven's underbelly of criminals, bureaucrats, and corrupt law enforcement, Dick Grayson is the one who has brought about actual change in the city. Tom Taylor knows how to captivate the audience, luring them with swashbuckling action right from the start. Gradually, as the narrative bifurcates, it coalesces into an intriguing political drama that plays out in the most satisfying manner.

As usual, Bruno Redondo's artwork works like a charm, aptly portraying the characters in their best and worst behavior. Even though Nightwing has only a few frames in this issue, Redondo illustrates him at his acrobatic best, giving Nightwing a costume update amidst an exciting chase sequence that works wonderfully well with the dynamic layout of the panels. His lines are so clean and the pencil work so brimming with life that it allows artist Wade Von Grawbadger to put almost minimal effort into the inking. The colors from Adriano Lucas do much of the heavy lifting in the issue, setting the ambiance and the scene. However, the pages where Blockbuster and Heartless exchange blows in the pink glow of dusk are some of his best work, creating a dichotomy of warm tones and violent deeds that hook the readers instantly.

Nightwing #93 marks a big win for team Nightwing in their quest to expose the fallacies of the system and unmask the wolves in sheep's clothing, running the city of Blüdhaven to the ground. While the two alter egos of Dick Grayson work in tandem to keep the peace, the Oracle acts as the metaphorical conductor grounding the young vigilante, with Haley as their glue. Even with all the jumping around and verbal jousting, Taylor finds quiet moments that solidify Dick and Barbara as an emerging power couple and make for heartwarming cute panels. Nightwing #93 is a turning point in many avenues of storytelling, and only time will tell how significant they are.