Ouran Highschool Host Club: 10 Characters Who Could Have Dated Haruhi

Ouran Elite Private Academy is one of the most prestigious anime schools and is made up almost exclusively of children from the wealthiest families. Not only does this school prepare the next generation in ways of education and manners, but it's also the home of the famous Ouran High School Host Club.

As a scholarship student from a poor background, Haruhi Fujioka quickly becomes involved with many of the characters in Ouran High School Host Club who generally have little knowledge of how lower-class citizens live. When she becomes a member of the Host Club, Haruhi captures the hearts of those around her, all of whom are intrigued by her kindness, honesty, and intellect.

10 Umehito Nekozawa & Haruhi Could Bond Over His Little Sister

Ouran High Schoool Host Club Umehito Nekozawa

Although Haruhi and Nekozawa spend little time together, Haruhi's kindness and understanding could make them a compatible couple. Most people find Nekozawa and his occult obsession creepy and unbearable. Haruhi, however, simply finds Nekozawa to be overdramatic. The real draw that could bring these characters together is Nekozawa's beloved younger sister, Kirimi. As a responsible person with a soft spot for children, Haruhi spends time reading manga to Kirimi and making sure she feels safe during their time together.

9 Renge Houshakuji Is An Eligible Female Partner

Renge Hoshokuji

As a highly eccentric person, many might assume that Renge Houshakuji is not a good match for Haruhi. However, there is some weight to the famous concept that opposites attractRenge spends far too much time fantasizing, so she could benefit from someone who can keep her a bit more grounded to reality. Hard-working Haruhi, on the other hand, would benefit from someone who reminds her to have fun now and then. While these two are far from being the perfect couple, they wouldn't be bad for each other.

8 Kaoru Hitachiin Gallantly Gives Up His Bid For Haruhi's Love

Kaoru Hitachiin

When together, the Hitachiin twins are mischievous and playful. When they're apart, however, Kaoru is the more levelheaded and mature of the twins. After Haruhi is able to tell one twin from the other, they both develop a romantic attachment towards her, feeling like someone has really seen them for who they are as individuals for the first time.

Unfortunately, Kaoru feels that Hikaru needs Haruhi more than he does since Hikaru is less mature. Without ever making his feelings known to anyone, Kaoru gracefully bows out of any relationship that might have otherwise occurred.

7 Arai's Personality Meshes Well With Haruhi's

Arai Ouran High School Host Club

During their time in middle school together, Arai developed feelings for Haruhi, who was somewhat dense at the time. She misinterpreted his love confession and accidentally rejected him in the process. Arai decided not to pursue the matter further. After meeting again by chance a year later, Haruhi was surprised to learn of Arai's feelings at the time. Had Arai attempted to win Haruhi's affections once more, they would have likely become a good couple since both are diligent, hard-working, and considerate in nature.

6 Benio Amakusa's Selfishness Ultimately Proved To Be Her Downfall

A shameless flirt who aims to capture the hearts of all the women around her, Benio is quite similar to Tamaki in many respects, although both would loathe to admit it. Initially, Benio is infatuated with Haruhi and feels that she's a maiden in need of defense from obnoxious men. If Benio ever managed to overcome her own selfish desires, she could be a good partner for Haruhi, who often needs to be reminded to live life and enjoy the world..

5 Ritsu Kasanoda Could Have Loved Haruhi With Fierce Devotion

Kasanoda Ouran High School Host Club

Kasanoda always scared people away with his daunting looks, yakuza background, and intimidating family. Yet, underneath his frightening exterior, he is actually a sweet person who just longs for even one friend. Haruhi, who has little time for rumors, is the first to see past Kasanoda's looks and befriends him for his kindness. She genuinely wanted to get to know him. Because of this, Kasanoda quickly develops feelings for Haruhi. He probably would have followed her to the ends of the earth if she had only let him.

4 Mori & Haruhi Have A Synergy Where They Naturally Understand Each Other

Stoic and mysterious, Takashi "Mori" Morinozuka is the "Strong & Silent" member of the Host Club who maintains a close relationship with his cousin, Honey. Although Mori spends most of his time with Honey, he finds himself rushing to Haruhi's aid multiple times, effectively becoming her defender and friend.

Bisco Hatori, the series' creator, initially intended for Mori and Haruhi to end the series as a couple, but soon changed her mind over who Haruhi should be with. Despite not becoming a couple in the end, Mori and Haruhi still have a pretty unique relationship where they understand each other without the need for trivial conversation.

3 Kyoya Ohtori's Cold Exterior Wouldn't Bother Haruhi

kyoya smiling with his eyes closed ouran

Kyoya Ohtori often comes off as cold and calculating and only cultivates relationships that are advantageous to him. However, underneath his cold exterior, Haruhi discovers that he's actually very kind-hearted, especially to his best friend, Tamaki. Both intelligent and levelheaded, Haruhi and Kyoya share a mutual respect for each other and would likely make a good match. At the end of the anime, Kyoya's father even states that Haruhi would make a good bride for Kyoya.

2 Hikaru Hitachiin's Immaturity Would Greatly Benefit From Haruhi's Levelheadedness

Haruhi and Hikaru Ouran Highschool Host Club

Having spent his entire life with Kaoru, Hikaru never bothered to interact with others and stunted his own emotional growth in the process. Upon finding that Haruhi could tell him and his brother apart, Hikaru inevitably fell in love with her but denied his emotions. Unfortunately, when given the chance to go on a date with Haruhi, Hikaru found that he still had much to learn since he's immature, possessive, and jealous. Haruhi and Hikaru would probably have a rocky start, but with lots of communication and opportunities to learn, they'd make an ideal couple.

1 Tamaki Suoh's Charm Ultimately Wins Haruhi Over

Haruhi and Tamaki in the final episode

Tamaki Suoh is the character that ultimately ended up with Haruhi in both the manga and the anime. They're similar enough to make a good couple and still different enough to provide each other what they need. Tamaki makes Haruhi laugh, takes the time to learn about her likes and dislikes, the things she fears, and how he can protect her from them. Completely enamored with Haruhi, Tamaki finds that he wants to be the best person he can be so she can see something in him worth loving.

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