My Hero Academia: Yaoyorozu Momo’s MBTI Type & What it Says About the Hero Creati

My Hero Academia is a mega-popular shonen series that ranks in modern anime's "big three" thanks to its excellent Quirk-based combat system, the novelty of superhero schools and most of all, the stellar personalities and heartfelt character arcs of characters such as Midoriya Izuku and his classmates. These characters, heroes and villains alike can be evaluated with the MBTI personality type chart.

Bold, heroic characters such as Izuku and All Might are the Protagonist type, or ENFJ, while Ochaco's gentle, earnest nature marks her as an ESFJ. Meanwhile, Izuku's brilliant classmate Yaoyorozu Momo fits a different MBTI archetype entirely -- one that perfectly describes her enthusiastic but disciplined personality as a trainee hero.

Yaoyorozu Momo's MBTI Type: ESTJ-T, The Executive

Yaoyorozu Momo is best described as an ESTJ-T, or the Executive. This personality type's code stands for Extroverted Observant Thinking Judging, while also being somewhat turbulent and insecure at times. The Executive is one of several MBTI types that describes a natural leader, along with the Commander and Campaigner types, and Executives aren't afraid to busy themselves with tedious but essential work to get the job done. An Executive can easily take charge of a company, political campaign or any other project and keep everything and everyone organized and running smoothly.

Similar to Commanders, Executives are people-oriented while also being calculating, careful and detail-oriented. ESTJs always put others first, but they aren't entirely the touchy-feely type either. That sets them apart from Defenders and Mediators, but of course, any ESTJ can show compassion and personal warmth. They aren't nearly as aloof as the INTJ Architect type or the ISTJ Logistician type.

Executives set a good example both as workers and as people with their emphasis on honesty, integrity, fairness, hard work and organizational skills, which is why they make for effective leaders with moderate charisma. ESTJs despise laziness, corruption and dishonesty, and they will distance themselves from anyone who puts their own needs ahead of the group's. Unlike Architects and Logisticians, Executives want to share their skills with other people and inspire them, creating a workplace that functions like a well-oiled machine. In an Executive's eyes, a workplace is only as strong as its weakest member, and ESTJ Executives won't hesitate to inspire and motivate anyone who needs help. It takes a whole crew to run the ship.

An Executive has many positive traits, such as their remarkable willpower and their enthusiasm for their projects, which is another factor in why they're such good leaders. An ESTJ won't just think up practical ideas -- they want to light a fire in everyone's hearts with those ideas and create something amazing in the process. ESTJs are also highly organized and value efficiency, and they value honesty and openness as well. No ESTJ would use manipulation, coercion, threats or passive-aggressive behavior to get what they want from others.

However, ESTJs do have their drawbacks. This personality type might become too inflexible or stubborn when an Executive latches onto a brilliant idea, and this could cause problems within a team. Similarly, Executives aren't that flexible, and they might struggle when a situation calls for last-minute solutions or improvisation. These people might also become too judgmental, dismissing anyone who doesn't perfectly align with their values, which may cost them allies. Executives must understand that not everyone thinks the same way as they do.

Yaoyorozu Momo An An ESTJ In My Hero Academia

momo MHA

For the most part, Yaoyorozu Momo is an exemplary Executive in the story of My Hero Academia, including her passion for tutoring her fellow classmates and hosting a neatly-organized study session at her family's mansion to help her classmates prepare for midterms. Momo isn't just bookish -- she wants to uplift her classmates and lead them to victory, and she can't bear the thought of anyone being left behind. That's how a true Executive thinks.

Momo is also the vice class representative of class 1-A, with Iida Tenya being the president, and Momo takes that role seriously as an ESTJ. Her heart positively burns with the desire to help others, and that marks her as a true Executive, which she can back up with perfect grades and carefully-calculated battle plans.

Once Todoroki Shoto gave Momo a pep talk, the two of them formulated the perfect plan to defeat Aizawa during a practice battle, and Momo's plan unfolded exactly as intended. She also did well against Itsuka's team in the joint training story arc, preparing for every possible outcome ahead of time and outwitting class 1-B even when she personally lost to Itsuka. Itsuka commented that she may have knocked Momo out, but on one level, Momo had "won" after all. It's not easy to beat an Executive at their own game.

However, Momo doesn't do so well with improvisation even if she tries. She took part in the mission to rescue Bakugo from the League of Villains thanks to her tracking device, but she did very little and was in over her head. She also failed to improvise the right battle plan against Tokoyami Fumikage and his Dark Shadow Quirk during the U.A. sports festival, swiftly losing to him. Momo shines when she gets enough time to plan ahead, but Fumikage didn't give her any, and Executives aren't the type to "wing it." This may cost Momo in the future against powerful villains, where there are no rules.

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