My Hero Academia: 10 Pro Heroes Who Deserve More Screen Time (& Why)

The world of My Hero Academia has endless possibilities for Quirks. With infinite options for superpowers, there's also an abundance of Pro Heroes in society. Though the story's primary focus is the journey of Izuku Midoriya and his Class 1-A peers as they train to join the ranks of Pro Heroes, there are already quite a few heroes with established branding for themselves.

Unfortunately, such a vast sea of heroes means that some will eventually fall through the cracks and quickly be forgotten in discussions. From the cool to the mundane, many fans wish that certain Pro Heroes received more screen time throughout the story.

10 Lunch Rush Could Add Some Dimension To U.A.'s Workings

This upbeat hero has only said a single sentence throughout the entire series. Despite this, he seems like a friendly guy, always replying with an enthusiastic thumbs-up. He's the chef for the U.A. High School cafeteria and his meals are often praised for being tasty.

Fans wish that this hero received more screen time to see how he works his magic in the kitchen. Lunch Rush also once prepared a full-course French meal for 10,000 victims of a devastating typhoon, all on his own. The Cook Hero deserves more screentime because fans want to witness just how quickly he can work in the kitchen and come out with such delectable results.

9 Ryukyu Captured Fans' Attention & They Want More

Ryukyu smiling

Currently Number 10 on the Japanese Hero Billboard Chart, Ryukyu played a significant role during the Shie Hassakai arc. Despite this, fans still wish to see more of this hero. Kohei Horikoshi has a gift for character design, and his abilities shine through when it comes to a character like Ryukyu.

Aside from her looks, she's also a humble hero. Upon the announcement of her placement on the chart, she stated that she would have refused the rank if possible due to how guilty she felt over being unable to prevent Sir Nighteye's death. Furthermore, fans also wish they could see some interactions between Ryukyu and the girl she helped rescue, Eri.

8 Wash Has Proven To Be A Compassionate Support Hero

The Laundry Hero: Wash

Despite ranking Number 8 on the Japanese Hero Billboard Chart, not much is actually seen of the Laundry Hero: Wash and fans are curious about him. In recent arcs of the My Hero Academia manga, Wash helps out with tending to citizens' wounds and aids in assisting them to the nearby hospital.

Though he was initially introduced as pure comic relief and a relatively child-friendly hero, he has proven that he takes his role in society very seriously, genuinely wishing to help citizens when needed.

7 Thirteen Is A Mysterious Pro Hero That Fans Are Curious About

My Hero Academia Anime Thirteen Vortex Black Hole

Not much has been seen of the Space Hero: Thirteen since the USJ arc at the beginning of the story. Despite her appearance being revealed in the manga recently, fans are still wishing to see more of Thirteen.

Specifically, fans want to see Thirteen in situations other than dire, life-or-death battles where she is usually terribly injured. Thirteen is an interesting character because she frequently expresses her passion for Quirks, especially when discussing their potential for creation and rescue rather than for destructive purposes.

6 Edgeshot's Ability To Take On All For One Needs More Appreciation

edgeshot the hero

Currently Number 4 hero on the Japanese Hero Billboard Chart, Edgeshot is one of the most incredible looking heroes in the entire series. He's also the leader of a hero team called "The Lurkers," consisting of himself, Mt. Lady, and Kamui Woods.

Although his appearances during the Hideout, Endeavor Agency, and Paranormal Liberation War arcs were brief, they were very memorable. Fans wish that this ninja hero made more appearances throughout the series. Any hero other than All Might who's strong enough to take on the likes of All For One should be appreciated by the masses.

5 Snipe's Contributions To U.A. Are Worthy Of More Screen Time

Snipe Holding His Pistol At USJ

Snipe is another example of Horikoshi's gift for creating characters with flashy, intriguing designs. However, this Pro Hero was given minimal screen time. Aside from being a Pro Hero, Snipe is also a teacher at U.A. High School who manages the third-year students.

Snipe's style is similar to the look of a Wild West cowboy, with his mannerisms reflecting that inspiration as well. He appears to be very knowledgeable and often adds meaningful commentary to U.A. faculty meetings. Fans wish that this Pro Hero received more screentime because of all the possible interactions he could have with the rest of the cast.

4 Hunting Dog Hero: Hound Dog

Hound Dog scowls

This hero has had a few standout moments, such as his speech at U.A.'s opening ceremony, during which he was only able to communicate via a series of aggressive grunts and a furious howl at the end of his speech. However, Vlad King was able to translate for him: Hound Dog was just angry that Bakugo and Izuku were fighting at Ground Beta the night before.

Despite his menacing appearance, he's also a lifestyle guidance counselor at U.A. High, implying that he's gifted in helping students with their problems. For this reason, fans wish to see more of this hero.

3 Principal Nezu Needs A More Detailed Backstory

Principal Nezu during Ashido and Kaminari"s exam

Nezu is the principal of U.A. High School. Despite his few appearances, his personality has been made well-known. However, fans still want to know more about this animal who managed to develop a Quirk. There are quite a few unknowns about this hero and his origins.

For starters, fans aren't exactly sure what he is. There's a possibility that he's a chimera, as he appears to be a combination of a dog, a mouse, and a bear. Furthermore, it's implied that he was the subject of abusive human experimentation in the past. Fans want more screen time for Principal Nezu solely because they want answers as to who and what he truly is.

2 Kamui Woods Is Intriguing For His Emotional Range

Kamui Woods with a hand over his face

The Number 7 Pro Hero and member of The Lurkers, Kamui Woods is a character that fans yearn to see more of throughout the story. His character design is sleek, reflecting his ability to manipulate his wooden body to resemble tree branches. Kamui's personality is also engaging, as he seems to have a considerable duality.

Kamui is stoic and serious about hero work, but he's also capable of emotion, as seen when Edgeshot recruits him to The Lurkers. Fans find Kamui Woods' personality intriguing because he seems equal parts stoic and emotional.

1 Sir Nighteye Was Taken From Fans Far Too Soon

Nighteye adjusts his glasses

Though Sir Nighteye died following the events of the Shie Hassakai arc, fans wish they could have seen more of him before his death. Many cite wanting to see Nighteye and All Might get closure for the events of the past instead of their final interaction occurring while Nighteye was on his deathbed.

Fans also wished to see how he would have helped Mirio cope with the loss of his Quirk. Of course, fans also wish he were alive to get to know Eri. Above all, many fans wonder just what kind of mentor Sir Nighteye would have been to Midoriya if he were part of the story just a bit longer.

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