A unique supernatural series that exceeded expectations with its thrilling characters and engaging plot, Mob Psycho 100 has solidified itself as a fresh and exciting story, garnering a highly successful anime adaptation in the process. Produced by Studio Bones, the series quickly rose through the ranks and has continued to thrive since its initial 2016 release.
With a large fanbase eagerly awaiting a Season 3, rumors have been flying around the Internet. Let's take a look at Mob Psycho 100 and its likelihood of obtaining another anime season.
The Story of Mob Psycho 100
Created by ONE, the mangaka best known for One-Punch Man, Mob Psycho 100 merges a supernatural action-packed narrative with relaxing and hilarious comedy. The story follows a compassionate boy named Mob who tries to suppress his powerful psychic abilities due to a lack of control. He is taken in by a self-proclaimed expert, Arataka Reigen, who is actually a con artist looking to exploit his skills for money. Mob exorcises evil spirits per Reigen's request, but these strenuous tasks take their toll on him. As his emotions swell, so do his psychic abilities.
The Mob Psycho 100 manga ran from April 2012 to December 2017, generating 16 volumes and 109 chapters. Since then, the series has obtained two anime seasons with 12-13 episodes each. Season 1 ran in summer 2016 while Season 2 aired in winter 2019, with both being very well-received among anime fans and critics alike.
Will There Be a Season 3 of Mob Psycho 100?
Following the manga's end was a live-action mini-series of the same name distributed by Netflix in 2018. A spinoff manga -- titled Reigen: The Man With 131 Max Spirit Power -- was also created by ONE and published that same year. This spin-off focuses on Reigen and ran for a single volume consisting of seven chapters. Additionally, Studio Bones released an OVA with the mouthful title, Mob Psycho 100: The Spirits and Such Consultation Office's First Company Outing - A Healing Trip That Warms the Heart in 2019, a few months after Season 2's conclusion. The manga spinoff and OVA garnered mixed reviews, but the live-action series was met with some fairly negative ones.
While the Mob Psycho 100 manga ended years ago, this extra content is a testament to the series' sustained popularity and subsequently spotlighted the demand for more Mob. There's still plenty of manga left to cover, so a lack of source material is not the issue. Though it is worth noting that Bones is currently preoccupied with the ongoing My Hero Academia Season 5, among other series.
The first two Mob Psycho 100 seasons aired approximately three years apart. If a Season 3 were to follow this pattern, that would place its airing somewhere in 2022. But while there has been no official announcement, a love and appreciation for this series has prevailed, so it seems likely that we haven't seen the last of Mob or Reigen in anime form.
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