Love of Kill’s Biggest Mystery Just Got Even Stranger

WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Love of Kill Episode 11, "Worst," now streaming on Crunchyroll and Funimation.

Recent episodes of Love of Kill shed more light on the mysterious relationship between the earnest shojo lead Chateau Dankworth and her yandere love interest, the protective Ryang-Ha Song. Or rather, this fellow is an impostor Ryang-Ha who assumed the identity of the true Ryang-Ha Song years ago.

Episode 11 dwells on the past and explores the two Ryang-Has becoming reluctant teammates in the battle to protect their young charge, Chateau, from her and her father Liszt's enemies. These villains may also have ties to the Hong Kong triads.

During Episode 11's flashback sequence, the two Ryang-Has return to the academy where Mr. Donny works. The impostor, who refuses to share his name, stays in the real Ryang-Ha's room to recover, though the two don't get along well at first. He has bad memories of men in business suits abusing him to the point that he flinches when the real Ryang-Ha makes any move around him.

The flashbacks also suggest this impostor had a rough upbringing where violence and crime were the rule, and even the combat-trained Ryang-Ha finds it disturbing. Few hard details are provided but it's clear that Ryang-Ha's nameless friend has been through a lot, and it shapes his attitude and worldview even now.

Ryang-Ha continues his mission for Mr. Donny and the client, a certain Liszt Noble who flees from his enemies until they catch him in a phone booth and shoot him dead. The episode doesn't explain who exactly Mr. Noble's enemies are, but they may be the Hong Kong Triads. This could explain why the impostor Ryang-Ha, as a young man, infiltrated their organization and tore it apart from the inside. Ryang-Ha's wrath against the triads may have been revenge for the fate of his beloved Chateau's deceased father, proving that the impostor is a firm believer in brutal frontier justice with a tendency to take matters into his own hands -- even if he's not the one who stands to gain from it.

ryang-ha at a night flashback

Ryang-Ha and his impostor are too late to save Liszt Noble but they do carry out Mr. Noble's final orders, retrieving his daughter Chateau from a suitcase. The two then break into a car and take the girl to Mr. Noble's destination, the city of Barosela. Ryang-Ha does most of the talking throughout while Chateau explains very little except her name. The impostor boy, meanwhile, refuses to give his name -- it's possible he doesn't have one and is simply embarrassed about it.

Love of Kill reveals nothing else about the impostor's background or motivations here, though he does help keep Chateau safe. To that end, he believes he must part ways from Ryang-Ha and Chateau so they won't get into any more trouble. As the impostor predicted, several men catch up to him on the country road and attack him -- an incident he didn't want Chateau and the real Ryang-Ha getting mixed up in.

The impostor Ryang-Ha's background remains largely shrouded in mystery, but Episode 11 strongly suggests that Mr. Donny and the real Ryang-Ha Song are allies of Chateau's who can be trusted. It had previously seemed possible that the impostor Ryang-Ha killed the real one and stole his identity, but Episode 11 clarifies that Chateau shot Ryang-Ha by accident; the impostor had nothing to do with it. This bodes well for the impostor, who does not harm others without a good reason. With a bullet in the real Ryang-Ha's chest, however, it now falls on this nameless person to get Chateau to safety and somehow save the day. He's nearly out of time.

First image from the Bastard!! anime adaptation from Netflix
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