After the latest setback in Britney Spears' explosive conservatorship battle, the #FreeBritney movement has mutated into a full-blown crusade.
With legions of supporters that seem to be growing by the second, the movement is unafraid of locking horns with a justice system they deem to be wicked. Their fervent support of Spears has remained resolute as she remains ensnared in a 13-year legal arrangement that has given her father, Jamie Spears, complete control of her life.
In a 20-minute statement provided by Spears in late June to a probate judge in Los Angeles, the pop icon harangued the conservatorship, saying she wants to sue her family after being "abused" by a therapist, among other shocking allegations. Despite her pleas for help, the court ultimately denied her request to remove her father as conservator.

Signs from a #FreeBritney march on June 23rd, 2021 in protest of Britney Spears' conservatorship.
Mario Anzuoni/Reuters
As manic fan videos and memes with "Toxic" wordplay pervade social media, it's clear that what started out as a widely panned conspiracy theory has now morphed into a cultural juggernaut with undeniable credibility. Ergo, Spears' case has rippled through the pop culture landscape and triggered reactions from all over the world, including from many in the dance music community.
Revered music tech journalist and DJ Dani Deahl bemoaned the conservatorship for underpinning "the ever powerful stereotype of women and hysteria."
Electronic music vet Anna Lunoe vilified the conservatorship's principals for reportedly not allowing Spears to remove an IUD after she voiced her desire to have another baby.
Famed dance music singer-songwriter VASSY weighed in on the predicament through the lens of the irony of Bill Cosby's stunning release from prison, which took place the same day Spears lost her latest appeal. The disgraced actor, who had been facing a litany of sexual assault allegations, had his conviction overturned by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.
Even Elon Musk, the billionaire Tesla owner and one-time electronic music producer, chimed in with one of his signature succinct tweets in support of Spears.
An Instagram post by dance music legend Tiësto was met with a slew of comments from a number of major EDM artists in support of Spears, such as NERVO and Nicky Romero, among others.
Many other artists, such as Alison Wonderland, Diplo, and RAYE, shared social media posts to defend the embattled pop star, who described herself as "traumatized" by the "abusive" conservatorship.
For more on Spears' conservatorship battle, read the bombshell exposé published by The New Yorker.