FIRST LISTEN: Zedd Reveals Hybrid Classical/EDM Track Off New Album

So, the good news is Zedd’s third album is still coming. We might not know when, but he’s still working on it, and he just shared a teaser of a new piece of music he’s writing for Z3.

“Just finished writing this piece,” he says in his tweet. “Started writing it years ago and turned it into my old intro for a while (some of you may recognize it). [Envisioning] this to be a mix of EDM and classical music.”

The chord progressions on the song definitely sound familiar, and you might recognize parts of it from his Ultra 2017 performance. It’s bright and sweet with just a hint of EDM that we’ll inevitably hear more of when the fully-produced version is released.

Check it out below and stay tuned for more Zedd album news!


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