Fire Force’s Journey Into the Nether Proves to Be a Deadly Trap

WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Season 2, Episode 21 of Fire Force, "Enemy Contact," now streaming on Crunchyroll.

A mission into the Nether is never straightforward for Fire Force's 8th Company. The situation goes from bad to worse as the number of dead Fire Soldiers falling under Ritsu's necromantic abilities continues to rises, and the White-Clad's intention of luring Shinra into a trap is revealed.

The joint investigation between Companies 2 & 8 began after evidence of Infernal insect experiments were discovered in the Nether's underground train tunnels, now considered one of the Evangelist's bases of operation. However, after some core members of Company 8 reassemble, Licht and Vulcan realize that they've been tricked. Once the White-Clad successfully captures Shinra, Ritsu intends to use her influx of Infernal puppets to create a massive explosion, collapsing the city above.

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Tamaki's Stand

Juggernaut's previous heroics against Orochi leaves him severely injured, having lost a hand al0ng with a fair amount of blood. Despite defeating the White-Clad Knight, the incoming Infernals are still an issue, which leaves Tamaki alone to fend them off to protect her fallen friend. The battle of attrition takes its toll, but Tamaki holds them off until reinforcements arrive.

Elsewhere, tension continues to mount between Lieutenant Hinawa and Takigi Oze, Maki's brother who blames Company 8 for putting his sister in danger. Takigi takes a particular disliking to Hinawa, blaming him for "tricking" Maki into joining the Fire Force. The two argue and interrogate each other as they fight off an Incredible Hulk-sized White-Clad member Iron. Despite their disagreements, specifically with Hinawa defending Maki's strength, they combine to beat Iron.

Dr. Giovanni's Revelatory Reappearance

After some time away, Dr. Giovanni's sudden reappearance leads to a surprising rematch against Shinra as the treacherous former Fire Force captain debuts a mutated new form. Keeping with the theme of Infernal insects, Giovanni's strange bug-like body modification is as jarring as it is frightening. Aside from added limbs, Giovanni claims to have developed an ability to read human emotional and psychological states.

Giovanni's fascination with the Infernal insects stems from the theory that their eggs were on a meteor that crash-landed long ago. He reveals that they originated from the Adolla -- the strange fire-soaked world the Evangelist is from -- and he transformed himself to grow closer to the great flame.

Shinra tries to get information from Dr. Giovanni about the lab discovered in the Nether, but the former captain explains it was only meant as a false lead, knowing that the Fire Force would take the bait. Shinra is the Fourth Pillar, making him a significant target for the Evangelist and her schemes. Thankfully, Arthur arrives to assist Shinra against Giovanni and his new form.

Ritsu's Explosive Plan

As Captain Obi and 2nd Company's Captain Honda arrive to back up Tamaki, they showcase precisely why they're both leaders of their respective squads, swiftly taking out two White-Clad members. An exhausted Licht stumbles into them, too, informing Obi that Infernals killed his entire investigating group like most others. While Vulcan and Licht examine a thermal sensor monitor, Licht realizes that the White-Clad intend to collapse the Nether.

With her Necro Pyro ability, Ritsu has command over the dead and can turn them into her Infernal instruments. The added boost of countless Fire Soldiers to add to her stock will grant Ritsu enough firepower to bring down the city above. Before she can detonate her Infernal bombs, the last piece of Ritsu's plan requires capturing Shinra to deliver to the Evangelist.

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