Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Will Be Playable for New Gamers Without Knowing Part I

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth's creative director Tetsuya Nomura claimed players can jump into the game without prior experience with Final Fantasy VII Remake.

In celebration of Final Fantasy VII's 25th anniversary and the announcement of an upcoming sequel for the beloved Final Fantasy VII Remake, Nomura wrote a message to fans of the franchise, which included some insight into his team's approach to development. "Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is being designed so that people can enjoy this game whether they know the original game or not," said Nomura. "In fact, new players might even enjoy starting their Final Fantasy VII journey with Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. Cloud and his friends embark on a new journey on this game, and I believe that the scenes that they witness after leaving Midgar will give players a fresh, new experience."

The Square Enix veteran also hoped to eventually share his reasons for naming the sequel Rebirth. He further expressed his excitement about the series' future, with Nomura claiming the development of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth was proceeding rapidly. "A title of this scale in which everything is interconnected even before production began is truly rare," Nomura said. The director revealed a third title was even already undergoing some development, with Nomura himself "working towards the completion of the series."

Though knowledge of the prior game is reportedly unnecessary, gamers who still want to experience the entire story will soon have the option of playing Final Fantasy VII Remake on Steam. The upgraded Final Fantasy VII Remake: Intergrade edition, which includes both the base game and the Episode INTERmission DLC, is scheduled to hit the Steam marketplace on June 17. Aside from its increased accessibility, gamers on the move will also be able to use Intergrade's native Steam Deck compatibility feature.

Square Enix also announced Final Fantasy VII's 2007 prequel video game Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII will be receiving its own long-awaited reimagining. Titled Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion, Square Enix promised it will "go way beyond just a simple HD remaster." Reunion will reportedly include enhanced graphics, upgraded in-game models, newly arranged music and redubbed voiceovers. The game is scheduled for release later this winter for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch and PC.

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is scheduled for release sometime around winter 2023. It will be exclusively available for PlayStation 5.

Source: Twitter