Bunny Girl Senpai: How to Get Started With the Light Novels, Anime & Manga

At first glance, Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai seems like it would be another standard rom-com anime, complete with fanservice and a lovey-dovey plot. Upon further viewing, there's a deeper story with some satisfying relationships and a realistic look into the social issues that plague teenagers. While the look and feel of this series may seem like it hinges on fanservice, there are little-to-no perverted antics in Bunny Girl Senpai. For newcomers who have not seen this anime and may be interested, here is a quick and easy guide on how to get started.

The Plot of Bunny Girl Senpai

Azusagawa Sakuta is minding his business while visiting a library, but things take a turn for the unexpected when he sees teen actress, Sakurajima Mai, walking around the library dressed as a bunny girl. The strangest thing about this is not the inappropriate attire, but that nobody but Sakuta can see her -- which intrigues Mai as well. Calling the strange phenomenon "puberty syndrome," Sakuta makes it his mission to get to the bottom of this mystery while getting closer to Mai and other girls who suffer from it as well.

Where to Read the Bunny Girl Senpai Manga/Light Novels

Penned by Hajime Kamoshida, the Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai manga is published in English by Yen Press and is available for purchase at RightStufAnime for the price of $17.99. For those who may not have the shelf space or prefer reading on phones or tablets, digital copies of Bunny Girl Senpai are available through Kindle for $9.99 each.

As for the light novel version, which is the franchise's source material and has six volumes available in English, RightStufAnime sells copies for $11.24, while the digital versions can be purchased on Kindle for $7.99.

Where to Watch the Bunny Girl Senpai Anime

The Bunny Girl Senpai anime was released in 2018 and ran for 13 episodes, all of which are available to stream on Crunchyroll, Funimation and Hulu. Physical copies on Blu-ray are available for purchase at RightStufAnime. For fans who want more, a continuation movie called Rascal Does Not Dream of a Dreaming Girl was also released back in 2019. As of this writing, the film is not available on any streaming services in the West. However, there is an official Blu-ray release which is available at RightStufAnime.

While Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai might not be anything groundbreaking in terms of anime, there is more than meets the eye with this story. The characters are lovable, the animation is beautiful, the plot is endearing, and it touches on many topics that viewers of all ages can relate to and sympathize with. For fans of supernatural mystery and romantic dramas, Bunny Girl Senpai is worth the time, and with this guide, anyone can join Sakuta on his quest to solve the mystery of "Puberty Syndrome."

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