Black Clover Reveals Its Long-Awaited Saint Stage

WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Black Clover Chapter 295, “Rematch,” by Yuki Tabata, Taylor Engel and Annaliese "Ace" Christman, available now in English from Viz Media.

The magical tides of the Black Clover manga have shifted, lately, from forsaken region mages to royal family members surpassing their limits. Chapter #295, “Rematch,” highlights another Black Bull demonstrating that they have what it takes to face the Dark Triad head-on. After Magna's impressive display against Dante, Noelle proves that she is more capable than she was given credit for at the beginning of the series.

While Noelle wasn’t necessarily weak when she first joined the Black Bulls, her lack of magical control caused her prestigious Silva family to mock her. However, Noelle’s newest power-up -- Spirit Dive: Saint Valkyrie Armor -- takes her to an entirely different level, especially since the water spirit, Undine, formed a union with her. Undine originally formed a partnership with Lolopechka, but the pair couldn't harness the former's immense power since Lolopechka was unable to battle. Undine’s choice to form a union with Noelle comes as a surprise, but many hints lead to the long-awaited glow-up.

Noelle's royal background is steeped in a vibrant history of excelling in magic, and, despite her initial setback, she still had plenty going for her. Not only does Noelle come from a solid magical bloodline, but her mother was an exceptional mage that shared a similar magical affinity. Aside from possessing the right qualifications as a water spirit host, Noelle's training with Lolopechka in the Heart Kingdom also foreshadowed the inevitable team-up of her and Undine.

On the other hand, Lolopechak's potential to achieve Saint Stage was stunted by her inability to learn any attack spells. Lolopechka has a gentle soul and couldn’t live with herself if she was to inflict pain on other living creatures. Her kindness is what makes Lolopechka special, and Undine admired that about the Heart Kingdom’s Queen. Unfortunately, Lolopechka is currently under the control of Vanica and is being used as a fighting puppet -- which causes her to be visually upset.

Undine also understands Noelle’s internal struggle with Vanica and how those emotions can be used to harness the full capabilities of Saint Stage. As Yuno has already teased, Saint Stage is a different level only spirit hosts can attain, which sets Noelle at the same strength level as arcane mages. The Valkyrie armor not only pays homage to Noelle's deceased mother but grants her enhanced combat abilities that can purify malice and destroy evil. The new relationship built between Noelle and Undine stems from their shared hatred towards Vanica -- which sets the mood for their battle.

The long-awaited Saint Stage also came about due to Noelle’s desire to save her teammates, which matches Undine’s will to protect the Heart Kingdom and Lolopechka. Even though they both fight for different causes, their internal need to protect those dearest to them is what drives their motives. Noelle’s developed from a selfish character into a confident, reliable team member. Now, Noelle will be facing Vanica and Megicula with much more than rage in her heart since she and Undine have formed a resonating relationship.

With more of Noelle and Undine's potential yet revealed, the major decider in the battle against Vanica will be Lolopechka. While Vanica currently has her under control, the tears flowing from Lolopechka’s eyes indicate that she’s suffering from within. There is a chance that since Lolopechka is still aware of the current situation, she could be holding her own magic back, which might give Noelle the upper hand and a chance to show off the power of Saint Stage.

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