Are the Mob Psycho 100 OVAs Worth Watching?

ONE's Mob Psycho 100 instantly became a fan favorite when it was released as an anime back in 2016. At the end of the first season, Mob Psycho 100's first Original Video Animation was released, Mob Psycho 100 Reigen -The Miraculous Unknown Psychic. Then, after the conclusion of the show's second season, fans were treated to a second OVA, Mob Psycho 100: The Spirits and Such Consultation Office's First Company Outing ~A Healing Trip that Warms the Heart~. Though these OVAs are not essential to the plot, they provide new content for fans waiting for the next season, making them worth a quick watch.

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Mob Psycho 100 Reigen - The Miraculous Unknown Psychic

Mob Psycho 100's first OVA is a recap of the entire first season through Reigen Arataka's perspective. Instead of a standard replay, Reigen insists upon Mob writing a book about their adventures together, which leads to them reliving the previous season. Though Mob is the one writing, it's Reigen's story that is told with his accompanying voiceover.

While a hilarious spin on the first season, it really is just a long recap episode. Its conclusion is hilarious as when Mob's book is finally read, it turns out to be Season 1 as the anime showed - from Mob's perspective. Another big moment of the OVA is when Reigen announces that Season 2 has been greenlit, right at the very end. Though the OVA was just a recap, this ending was a unique way to make this sort of announcement and fans loved it.

Mob Psycho 100 Reigen OVA is a great way to prepare for watching Season 2. It brings back all the important plot points with the evil organization Claw, and shows some of the anime's best fight scenes in their entirety. It even brings viewers back to the first episode to remind viewers what Mob Psycho 100 is all about -- that Mob is just as special as the next person and his powers don't change that. Though it is an hour long and is mostly recap, it's a fun way to get ready for the next season.

Mob Psycho 100 II: The Spirits and Such Consultation Office's First Company Outing

Mob Psycho 100 II OVA

Mob Psycho 100's second OVA, Mob Psycho 100: The Spirits and Such Consultation Office's First Company Outing, is a bonus episode after the conclusion of the second season of the anime. It sends the employees of Spirits and Such on a job to Ibogami Hot Springs to investigate rumours of a parallel world that is bogging down tourists.

On the train to the hot springs, Reigen and Serizawa fall asleep, trapping themselves in the parallel world. Mob and Ritsu are unaffected and continue their journey to the resort, Mob at this point carrying the two sleepers using his powers. The OVA constantly cuts between Reigen and Mob's point of view to highlight the hilarity of the situation. Mob is having the best time, almost like a holiday, while Reigen is exhausted and defeated, having the worst possible time. The OVA uses stark constrasts like this throughout and it works very well.

Reigen and Serizawa from Mob Psycho 100 II OVA

In the end, Mob is able to rescue Reigen and defeat the source of the parallel world, solving the resort's problem. While it's a typical Mob and Reigen story - Mob rescuing Reigen while Reigen takes all the credit - it's an excellent bonus episode to Mob Psycho 100 II. 

Both of Mob Psycho 100's OVAs are worth watching for their own respective reasons. Mob Psycho 100 Reigen is a fresh take on Season 1 while readying viewers for their next run of Season 2. Mob Psycho 100 II: The First Spirits and Such Company Trip is a comical bonus episode intended as extra content for fans of the anime. Both have their time and place and, like Mob Psycho 100, are both exceptionally well done.