Naruto: The Saddest Sacrifices That Should Never Be Forgotten

For as much time as the Naruto franchise spent building up to the Kaguya War, fans were treated to a bevy of rivalries and invasions in the shinobi world. These all provided context on why the ninja nations were so divided, setting them up for Naruto to unite everyone and fend off the Rabbit Princess. It led to a lot of brutal deaths, but not all were murders, so let's dive into some of the saddest sacrifices that fans shouldn't forget -- all of which helped create a better world.

Shisui's Sacrifice Off The Cliff

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Shisui was one of Naruto's most talented Uchiha shinobi ever, and someone whom a young Itachi looked up to. Sadly, Shisui would discover his clan wanted a coup, thus breaking the vision Hashirama had. It proved Madara's poisonous ways still lived on, which is why the Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, wanted him to use his dojutsu, the Kotoamatsukami, to mind control them and get these hateful thoughts out of their mind.

Unfortunately, Shisui couldn't perform the act in time as Danzo stole one of his eyes. He'd leave the other eye to Itachi, jumping off a cliff to send a message to his people to resist. It was quite heartbreaking and awakened the Mangekyō Sharingan within Itachi. After all, Shisui knew he was weaker now and needed Itachi to step up to try to save the village. This led to Itachi helping Naruto and Sasuke later down the line, but what made it even more solemn is that Shisui's sacrifice had to be kept a secret, thus he never got the commendations he deserved.

Obito Becoming A Force Ghost

Obito, with both the sharingan and rinnegan, looks concerned

When Obito realized both he and Madara were turned into unwitting pawns of Kaguya, he flipped sides and rejoined Kakashi like when they were kids. Obito would use his Kamui to teleport Sasuke and Sakura back so they could all fight Kaguya, but he gave his life up to protect Kakashi. He teleported the death blow Kaguya sent to himself, hoping it would make up for his betrayal.

However, as Obito went to limbo to reunite with their ex-teammate and his childhood crush, Rin, he decided to use his spirit to inhabit Kakashi's body. This allowed Kakashi to use Obito's Mangekyō Sharingan, making a Susanoo to provide backup for Naruto and Sasuke. This helped them defeat Kaguya, with Obito's spirit finally going home. Kakashi forgave his former buddy, and it was even more sympathetic as Obito somewhat achieved his goal of performing a feat that only legendary Hokages such as Hashirama and Tobirama would be capable of.

Jiraiya Dying In The Akatsuki War


As Jiraiya tried to hunt the Akatsuki down, he ended up in the rainy land of Amegakure, realizing the terrorists were led by three kids he tried to mentor years back: Nagato, Yahiko and Konan. Sadly, they fell to the darkness when he left, and as he was detected, it led to a brutal war with the Pains. The Ero Sennin had to engage and buy time for his toad, Fukasaku, after getting his throat crushed.

Jiraiya eventually used the last of his energy to etch a coded message into Fukasaku's back. As he was impaled by the Pain army, however, he distracted the villains so the toad could slip away and provide info to the Hidden Leaf. Naruto took a while to forgive Tsunade for sending his mentor on this suicide mission, but this sacrifice changed things for the better as Konoha used the data to prep for battle. Still, Naruto mourned the loss of his grandfather for some time, leading to Kakashi and his sensei, Iruka, visiting to help him cope.

Nagato Using The Rinnegan

2 yahiko konan and nagato form akatsuki

Eventually the Akatsuki came and waged war in Naruto, destroying the Hidden Leaf and killing thousands, including Kakashi. But Naruto would end up trudging on and offering a speech of redemption to a dying Nagato -- the leader who had the Rinnegan eye. It was left to him by Obito and Madara, but Nagato would surprisingly alter its destiny and take it away from being Kaguya's tool.

Nagato realized he'd become the very monster Jiraiya taught them to fight as kids, losing his allies and family along the way. He used the Rinnegan to resurrect everyone, dying in the process and atoning for his corrupted ways. It was a powerful lesson for Naruto as it kept him ticking and ensured he'd never give up on villains, no matter how lost they seemed. Most of all, Naruto taught folks not to hate villains like Nagato, because ultimately, most wanted to make a better world after all the fractures of the past -- which Konoha admittedly played its part in.

Minato & Kushina Saving Naruto

Minato and Kushina eating in naruto

When Kushina gave birth to Naruto, Obito stole the Nine Tails Demon Fox, Kurama, from her. Luckily Minato stopped the rampage and brought it home, with Kushina wanting Kurama back inside her, even if it would kill her in her weakened state. Minato instead opted to seal it in Naruto, believing the boy would turn it into a force for good -- but tragedy loomed as performing the dangerous seal would end in tragedy.

Kurama, enraged at being stuck in a vessel again, tried to use his claws to kill the kid so he could remain free, but he punctured Minato and Kushina, who jumped in to save the baby. It was a tear-jerker moment as they shielded their boy, giving their lives to protect him. They left Naruto words of inspiration as they died, and years later when he met their spirits, they were proud he redeemed Kurama and became the Chosen One. Naruto was left crying when they met on this astral plane but deep down, he knew if they didn't die that horrific night, he wouldn't have become a savior in what was a cruel, unfair fate.

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