Toei Animation unveiled the first details about next year's Dragon Ball Super film, Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero, including that Piccolo and Goku's granddaughter Pan would play a part in the story. In addition to revealing the designs of Piccolo and Pan in the movie's new CG animation style, one of the biggest revelations from the Comic-Con@Home panel was the official reveal of Piccolo's house, complete with its own mailbox. With the stoic Namekian warrior usually being a notorious loner, the house -- and especially its mailbox -- hints at something particularly touching about Piccolo, especially given Pan's return in this movie.
Historically, Piccolo is usually seen meditating on remote mountaintops or by epic waterfalls, not chilling at home. Following him fusing with Kami during Dragon Ball Z, it was largely assumed that the merged Namekian lived on the Lookout with the new Guardian of Earth, Dende, and his attendant Mister Popo, given how often Piccolo is seen on the hovering hideaway, miles above the Earth's surface. And with Gohan, Piccolo's protege -- and in many ways, surrogate son -- able to fly up to the Lookout and visit his mentor whenever he wanted, Piccolo had no need for a home on Earth's surface...until the birth of Pan.
Born at the start of Dragon Ball Super, Gohan and Videl's daughter Pan was cared for by Piccolo whenever her parents were otherwise occupied. And just as Piccolo was a vital part of Gohan's upbringing and a prominent fixture in his family life, Pan similarly saw Piccolo as something of a surrogate grandfather and one generally more present than Goku, who was often dedicated to further training for the next major battle.
In Super Hero, Pan is kindergarten-age and attending school, but is likely unable to fly on her own just yet. This would make impromptu visits with Piccolo a genuine challenge for her, likely leading to Piccolo creating a home on Earth, matching the classic designs of Namekian homes seen on their homeworld throughout DBZ.
Pan delivers fan mail to mister Piccolo?Hope you enjoy it! #DBS #Superhero #Dragonball #Pan #Fan #Piccolo #mail #cute #namekian #earth
— Elitenappa (Commisions slots full) (@Elitenappa1) July 26, 2021
The house's mailbox only cements this idea, as it was probably put there to be another way for Piccolo and Pan to keep in touch. Piccolo has never been one to fall in line with the typical conventions of human society, often holding them in thinly veiled contempt. This means Piccolo didn't set up his mailbox because he was eagerly anticipating, say, electricity bills, but to provide a means for Pan to leave him notes and other things whenever he was away. Since the reveal at the panel, fans have even made their own fan art showing as much. It's too adorable to not make sense.
Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero's story is still a mystery, but the inclusion of Piccolo and Pan suggests that the film might expand on how much closer Piccolo has gotten to Gohan's family as Pan's grown up. Piccolo has been close to Pan ever since she was born and, with just a house and a mailbox, it's clear that connection has only gotten deeper with time. To be closer to his granddaughter, Piccolo has not only set up a home on Earth but given Pan a clear avenue to communicate with him whenever she wants.
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