Digimon Adventure: What the Team’s Crests Mean – and Why They Have Them

In the world of Digimon Adventure, each Digidestined is the holder of a Crest, a symbol of power that represents a core value each kid embodies. These Crests represent values like courage or kindness, as well as empower the Destined's partner Digimon beyond their normal limits.

The Crests take the form of small stone tablets worn around the Digidestineds' necks, called Tags. There are nine official Crests that have been confirmed via the anime series, though here we will only be going over the original eight from the 1999 series, as the lore behind the 2020 versions is still being revealed.

Tai - Crest of Courage

Digimon Adventure Tai

Taichi Yagami's Crest is the Crest of Courage. He was the first to receive his Crest and the first to activate it, allowing Agumon to Digivolve into MetalGreymon and warp-Digivolve into WarGreymon. Tai is rather hotheaded and quick to take action with little regard for the consequences, but is also kind and caring towards his friends.

Tai's crest activated when he was willing to fight Etemon when everyone else felt like there was no way of winning. While he grew throughout the series, he learned that sometimes true courage is knowing when to let others lead or when no action is the best action.

Yamato - Crest of Friendship

matt digimon

Yamato/Matt Ishida is represented by the Crest of Friendship. He is the complete opposite of Tai in the beginning, being level-headed and calm, but also a loner who didn't really go out of his way to make friends. The Crest resembles a yin-yang circle within a stylized eye.

Throughout the original series, he is seen questioning himself over to whether he is a good friend and whether he has what it takes to protect the ones he cares about. Yamato's Crest activates for the first time when he realizes that Joe is actually a good friend to him. Once activated, it allows Garurumon to Digivole into WereGarurumon and warp-Digivolve into MetalGarurumon.

Sora - Crest of Love

Sora Takenouchi represents the Crest of Love. A childhood friend of Tai's, she is the "mom friend" of the group. Her Crest is represented by a stylized heart. Sora is responsible and tries to help others. However, she also suffers from low self-esteem, believing that she isn't worthy of being loved. She also has a strained relationship with her mother, but ultimately understands that her mother does indeed love her very much.

Hers is the last Crest to be found before the group returns to the Human World, after she and Biyomon are kidnapped by Datamon. He tries to make a Sora clone and force Birdramon to take out Etemon, but Tai manages to save the pair. When activated, Sora's Crest allows Birdramon to Digivolve into Garudamon.

Mimi - Crest of Sincerity


Also known as the Crest of Purity, the Crest of Sincerity belongs to Mimi Tachikawa. Initially, she is a spoiled brat who only thinks of herself, but she slowly reveals that she does indeed care about others and hates fighting. She's also honest to a fault, sometimes hurting others without really meaning to. Resembling a teardrop, it allows Togemon to Digivolve into Lillymon. It's first activated when Mimi keeps her promise to a group of Gekomon.

Izzy - Crest of Knowledge

Izzy on his laptop

Kouhshiro "Izzy" Izumi holds the Crest of Knowledge because of his love of learning and his unending curiosity. Fittingly, the Crest looks like a pair of glasses. Izzy is the brains of the group and is skilled with technology. He tends to get caught up in his thoughts when trying to figure something out, most of the time zoning out.

After he accidentally found out he was adopted, he distanced himself from his parents but ultimately accepted them as his real parents once he learned the truth about his birth parents and his adoption. His Crest activated at the same time as Yamato's and allows Kabuterimon to Digivolve into MegaKabuterimon after Datamon tried to keep him from being curious.

Kari - Crest of Light

The younger sister of Tai, Hikari Yagami was the final Digidestined to receive her partner and her Crest. She remained in the Human World while the others were transported into the Digital World at camp. She looks up to her older brother and is a loving, sweet girl who puts others before herself. However, she is also more susceptible to darkness, most likely a trait of being the Digidestined of Light. When her Crest is activated, it allows Gatomon to Digivolve into Angewomon. It resembles a star.

Joe - Crest of Reliability

The Crest of Reliability, also called the Crest of Honesty, is held by Joe Kido. Joe is the oldest of the group and sees himself as responsible for everyone else. He is prone to nervous episodes and is seen as overly cautious, but this just comes from a place of caring. He is very intelligent, knowing a lot about first aid and astronomy. His Crest, resembling a cross, activates when Joe risks drowning to save Takeru, allowing Ikkakumon to Digivolve into Zudomon. His was the second Crest to be found and activated.

Takeru - Crest of Hope

Digimon Adventure 2020 TK

Yamato's younger brother Takeru embodies the Crest of Hope. Resembling a shooting star, it activates when he realizes DemiDevimon was lying to him about Yamato not wanting to ever see him again. This allows Angemon to Digivolve into MagnaAngemon. Takeru is a bit of a crybaby, but he eventually overcomes this to become a resilient and brave child. He's optimistic, even after facing hardships like Patamon's death. His Crest is the sixth to be activated.

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