Tokyo Revengers: 10 Ways Mikey Impacted The Story

Mikey is one of the most important characters in Tokyo Revengers, a time-traveling anime that revolves around a Japanese biker gang called Toman. As the leader of Toman, Mikey plays a key role in the series' plot and can be considered both a hero and a villain, especially due to how dangerous Toman becomes in the future.

Mikey even played a major role in story events that take place before the first episode. Tokyo Revengers has become a fan-favorite series since it released and many viewers are eagerly anticipating more. There's currently only one season of anime out, but even then, Mikey has contributed quite a bit to the first season of the anime.

10 Mikey Formed Toman With His Childhood Friends

When Mikey was a kid, he was close friends with Draken, Baji, Pah, Mitsuya, and Kazutora. Together, the six of them formed Toman. Although it was Baji's idea to make the gang in the first place, Mikey became Toman's leader, with the other members having their own role as well. Kazutora and Baji eventually end up leaving the gang and Pah was arrested, but Toman gains many more members that replace them. A large gang allowed Mikey to have many followers and become one of the most powerful characters in the series.

9 Mikey Befriended Takemichi

tokyo revengers mikey takemichi bike ride

After being forced to join Kiyomasa's fight club, which he secretly ran behind Mikey's back, Takemichi stood up to Kiyomasa and challenged him to a fight. Mikey noticed Takemichi's resolve and offered his friendship. Seeing as how Takemichi was from the future and wanted to prevent a lot of terrible things from happening, this simple act allowed Takemichi to change the timeline in many ways. If Mikey and Takemichi never became friends, the different timelines that Takemichi created would have most likely been completely different.

8 Mikey Led Toman Into Their Battle With Moebius

tokyo revengers toman versus moebius

At the beginning of the anime, Toman's greatest enemy was Moebius. After Moebius hurt Pah's friend and sexually assaulted his girlfriend, Mikey talked the incident over with Pah and decided that Toman and Moebius should fight over the transgression.

Through Mikey's leadership, Toman was inspired and excited to fight against their enemies in Moebius on August 3rd. When the day finally came, Moebius tried to corner a few of Toman's members, but the rest of the gang was prepared for battle.

7 Mikey Brought Peh Back To Toman

tokyo revengers mikey and peh yan

Before the battle on August 3rd, Osanai, the leader of Moebius, fought Mikey and Pah. Pah ended up stabbing Osanai and willingly got arrested. While some members of Toman respected Pah's choice, others wanted to save him. Being a close friend to Pah, Peh was very upset and took his anger out on Draken, who respected Pah's decision more than anyone. Peh went so far as to join Moebius in order to get his revenge, claiming that Toman was now his enemy. However, Mikey didn't want to fight his friend. On August 3rd, Mikey confronted Peh, and was able to bring him back to Toman.

6 Mikey Had Kisaki Become The Captain Of Toman's Third Division

tokyo revengers kisaki saves mikey

With Pah no longer standing as the captain of Toman's Third Division, Mikey had to replace him. He gathered the members of Toman to reveal who he chose to replace Pah. Nobody was more shocked than Takemichi when Mikey named Kisaki as the new captain. After all, Takemichi knew all of the terrible things that Kisaki does in the future and that he's responsible for corrupting Toman. Because Mikey both allowed Kisaki to join Toman and gave him considerable power within the gang, Kisaki ended up hurting and killing many people that were connected to Toman.

5 Mikey Led Toman Into Their Battle With Valhalla

tokyo revengers mikey black impulsivity baji hurt

Similar to the battle with Moebius, Mikey led his followers to fight Valhalla — the same gang that Kazutora and Baji left Toman for. While Mikey wanted to get revenge on Kazutora in order to avenge his brother, he didn't want to fight Baji since he still considered him a friend. Mikey told the rest of Toman his plan and they were happy to battle Valhalla, hoping to bring Baji back. Unfortunately, no matter what happened, Baji never returns in any timeline.

4 Mikey Killed Kazutora In One Timeline

tokyo revengers kazutora guilt getting punched by mikey

During the battle between Toman and Valhalla, known as the Bloody Halloween, Kazutora ended up betraying Baji and killing him. Mikey already hated Kazutora for murdering his brother, but this caused him to become even angrier. Mikey killed Kazutora and was forever a changed man.

After exacting his revenge, Mikey began walking down a dark path. Eventually, Valhalla took control of Toman. Luckily, it wasn't too late for Takemichi to go back in time and change the outcome of the Bloody Halloween.

3 Mikey Forgave Kazutora In Another Timeline

tokyo revengers kazutora apologizes to mikey

In the new timeline that Takemichi creates, Baji doesn't die at the hands of Kazutora, but rather himself. In order to bring his old friends back together, Baji publicly takes his own life. As a result, Mikey doesn't kill Kazutora. Instead, Kazutora decides to surrender himself to the authorities to make up for what he did. After he's imprisoned, he even considers taking his own life as well, until Draken visits him with a message from Mikey. The leader of Toman forgave his old friend and still considered him to be a member of Toman.

2 Mikey Accepted The Members Of Valhalla Into Toman


After Toman wins the Bloody Halloween in the second timeline, Valhalla wants to join them. Because Mikey accepts them into his gang, Toman increases its ranks from 150 members to 300. While the majority of Toman is excited to join forces with their former enemies, Takemichi understands that it never mattered who won the Bloody Halloween. Either way, Valhalla and Toman would become one gang, just like Kisaki wanted. Mikey had played right into his enemies' hands with a decision that would result in Toman becoming much more sinister.

1 Mikey Had Takemichi Become The Captain Of Toman's First Division

After Baji dies, Chifuyu is supposed to take over as the captain of Toman's First Division. However, he became good friends with Takemichi before the Bloody Halloween and agreed to help him gain more power in Toman. Once Baji died, Chifuyu talked to Mikey about making Takemichi the next captain of the First Division and Mikey supports Chifuyu's choice. At the end of the first season, Takemichi is much closer to completing his mission and even becomes an executive of Toman in the future.

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