Ryoma! Shinsei Gekijoban Tennis no Oji-sama, The Prince of Tennis franchise's latest movie, has revealed five 3DCG character visuals!
The characters featured are Ryoma Echizen, Nanjiro Echizen, Kunimitsu Tezuka, Keigo Atobe, and Sakuno Ryuzaki. Each character's voice actor will reprise their role from the original TV anime series.
Ryoma! Shinsei Gekijoban Tennis no Oji-sama is the franchise's first 3DCG installment. The story is set in the three month gap between The Prince of Tennis and The New Prince of Tennis.
Ryoma! Shinsei Gekijoban Tennis no Oji-sama opens in Japan on September 3.
(C) Takeshi Konomi / Shueisha (C) New Prince of Tennis Movie Production Committee
Adapted with permission from Anime!Anime!