Reincarnated as a Slime: The 5 Biggest Plot Twists of Season 2

That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime is an isekai adventure anime featuring Rimuru Tempest, a Japanese salaryman turned slime in a brand-new fantasy realm. During Season 1, Rimuru worked hard to gather numerous allies and form his own nation, and in Season 2, Rimuru and his young kingdom faced many new challenges.

Rimuru may be loaded with incredible skills and powers, but he quickly learned that magic and swords can't solve every problem. In Season 2, Rimuru became a true politician, practiced diplomacy, made new allies, and most of all, fought new enemies all over the world. What were the five most exciting and impactful plot twists in Slime's second season?

When Rimuru Became A True Demon Lord

rimuru slime

Halfway through Season 2, the Falmuth Kingdom and the Western Holy Church united against Rimuru's monster nation, intent on wiping it from the map. Aghast at the massive casualties, Rimuru vowed to follow Milim's example and become a True Demon Lord, and he launched a fierce counterattack against his foes. Rimuru cast the Megido spell during the second battle and harvested thousands of human souls, wiping out the hostile joining army and fueling Rimuru's ascendance to True Demon Lord status. Rimuru nearly lost his humanity along the way, but he soon resumed his quest for peace and revived all of his fallen allies, including Shion. Along the way, Great Sage was enhanced to become Raphael.

When Hinata Sakaguchi Confronted Rimuru As An Enemy

Hinata Sakaguchi Reincarnated as a Slime

Hinata Sakaguchi is a knight commander in the Holy Empire of Ruberios, and during the first assault on Tempest city, she battled Rimuru elsewhere under an anti-magic dome. Not only is Hinata a powerful knight, but she's also Shizue Izawa's student, and tragically, she mistakenly blamed Rimuru for Shizue's death, vowing to end Rimuru's life in retaliation. Hinata has a strict "kill all monsters" policy, and she won't make Rimuru an exception. Rimuru escaped, but he suspected that Hinata would return to finish the job, and he can't yet find a way to talk her out of this. Hinata became Rimuru's worst human enemy now that the Church is greatly weakened.

When Rimuru Formed A Political Alliance With Humanity & Monsters

rimuru meeting elalude slime

Rimuru learned in Season 2 that diplomacy, statecraft and negotiations were all vital tools for survival in this world, as his monster kingdom is just one of several powerful nations in the world. He therefore made an alliance with Demon Lord Carrion and his nation of Eurazania, and later, Rimuru allied with the Sorcerous nation of Thalion and the kingdom of Blumund, among others. He soon formed a political bloc with several kingdoms on his side, and this promised to make Rimuru and his nation much more difficult to attack in the future. Any kingdom or army that attacks him now will face serious reprisal from Tempest's many allies. In the near future, even the Falmuth Kingdom might join Rimuru's coalition.

When Rimuru Joined The Demon Lord Council

Demon Lord Ramiris informed Rimuru of the upcoming meeting of Demon Lords, or Walpurgis, and Rimuru decided to crash that party to confront Clayman once and for all. Rimuru attended Walpurgis as a guest, and after he and Shion killed Clayman in mortal combat, Rimuru was welcomed as the newest council member, giving him new political connections that most kings and queens could only dream of. In fact, when the group shrank to eight members, Rimuru was allowed to rename the council as a token of friendship, calling it Octogram. It's not yet clear how active Rimuru will be in Octogram, but just his inclusion in the council of Demon Lords is a big step.

When Yuuki Kagurazaka Was Unveiled As Rimuru's True Enemy

6 Yuuki Kagurazaka, The Primary Antagonist Of That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime

Demon Lord Clayman had an "evil puppetmaster" theme, but in reality, he too was a puppet, and Yuuki Kagurazaka was the puppeteer. Rimuru deduced Yuuki's role in Clayman's actions and the assault on his city, but he can't figure out why Yuuki, a former friend, would take these steps. Later scenes depicted Yuuki forming his alliance with Clayman and the Moderate Harlequin Alliance, and there's no doubt that Yuuki will find new ways to antagonize Rimuru and realize his scheme to rule the entire world. The final boss has been revealed.

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