One Piece: For a Pirate Crew, the Beast Pirates Are SUPER Organized

Out of all the crews in One Piece, the Beast Pirates are one of the most organized, which is surprising for a group with such animalistic branding. For over 25 years, the Beast Pirates have been slowly amassing power in Wano Country after creating an alliance with local shogun Kurozumi Orochi. Under the leadership of Kaido, over 20,000 pirates have come together in what is an impressive display of discipline and organization, with multiple subgroups that act as a system of checks and balances. Let's take a look at how the Beast Pirates' oddly detailed hierarchy works.

Beneath Kaido is the All-Stars, a three-member group of the strongest pirates and the second-in-commands. The group consists of Jack, Queen and King, and each member shares a title of a great disaster, being "the Drought," "the Plague" and "the Conflagration," respectively. Jack can cause massive destruction that resembles a drought, Queen is an expert in biological warfare, and King can create fire from his body. Much like Kaido, all three are massive in size compared to the average human in One Piece and use Ancient Zoan Devil Fruit. Two of the All-Stars, Jack and Queen, have been shown leading their own ships. They are also the group tasked with the most important missions.

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The second strongest group is the Tobiroppo, a six-member group made up of Black Maria, Ulti, Page One, Who's Who, Sasaki, and previously, X Drake -- up until he went rogue. Kaido holds this group in high regard and trusts them almost as much as his All-Stars. They are also next in line to become a member of the All-Stars should one of the current members die. Drake left the group after being found out as a Marine spy and being declared an enemy of the crew. Each member of the Tobiroppo also hold an Ancient Zoan Devil Fruit, and three of the members once held the title of captain of their own crews. The Tobiroppo take orders from the All-Stars and act as assassins for Kaido and Orochi, taking out anyone they deem threats to their cause.

Beneath the Tobiroppo is the Shinichi, which made up of elite members of the Gifters. The Gifters act as the crews' infantry and are made up of over 500 Ancient Zoan users. These members are highly-respected by Kaido as they represent his dream of creating an entire crew made up of all Zoan-users. Each member has a codename that corresponds to their Zoan power, followed by the suffix "man" or "lady." A subgroup of the Gifters is the Armored Division, led by Sasaki. This group is made up of 10 percent of SMILE-users whose powers are armored-based, like insects and tough-skinned animals like elephants or armadillos.

The Pleasures are the mid-level crew members and soldiers. They are made up of 90 percent of SMILE-users who failed to gain power from eating the fruit. Based on the ratio of successful users to failed users, there are roughly 4,500 Pleasure members. As a side-effect of the failed fruit, all of the Pleasure members always smile and on top of that, they also can't swim. They all have a white horn on their head.

Next are the Waiters, who are soldiers that haven't eaten their fruit yet. Their role within the crew is currently unknown. Below them are the Numbers, who are a ten-member group of beings Gigantified during experiments on Punk Hazard and subsequently bought by Kaido instead of being recruited. They act as living weapons. Finally, there's the Marys, the surveillance group. Their group is made up of members of other groups, such as Caimanlady from the Gifters, and cyborg animals. Each member has a special mask that allows them to transmit whatever they see or hear to other Marys, allowing them to know everything going on in Onigashima.

It's amazing that with all of these subgroups and the sheer size of the crew, Kaido is able to keep control over all of them while also holding his power over Wano in One Piece. It's truly a testament to his ability to lead and the trust he has in his higher members.

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