One Piece: A New Zoro Flashback Strengthens the Bond Between Swordsman and Sword

WARNING: The following contains spoilers for One Piece Chapter 1033, "Shimotsuki Kozaburo," by Eiichiro Oda, Stephen Paul, and Vanessa Satone, available in English from Viz Media.

One Piece's last chapter showed that the developing fight between Roronoa Zoro and King the Wildfire has not been in the swordsman's favor. Worst yet, out of nowhere, Zoro's sword, Enma, is suddenly engulfed in flames without warning. Zoro's in a tough spot, but chapter #1033 reveals an enlightening flashback from the swordsman's humble beginnings.

Returning to Zoro, the swordsman is using his armament haki to try and quell the flames of Enma's rebellious spirit. It seems the sword has yet to recognize Zoro as its true master, yet. This isn't the first time this has happened, as the cursed sword Zoro received from a swordsmith in Logue Town, Kitetsu III, had a mind of its own as well.

Zoro and King continue to trade blows, but the black-clad Lunarian seems completely unfazed by Zoro's attacks. When Zoro tries to go in for another attack, Enma goes wild once again, allowing for King to strike at the swordsman unabated. The attack causes him to lose his grip on Kitetsu III, but Zoro doesn't hesitate to jump off the side of the cliff to save his sword. King berates the pirate for risking his life for just a blade and knocks him back into the side of Onigashima.

One Piece Child Zoro Sword

Zoro is relieved to see his oldest sword, Wado Ichimonji, remained on the cliff's edge, waiting for him. This reminds him of the promise he made to his sensei after Kuina died, that he would use her sword to become the greatest swordsman who ever lived. It's then that Zoro is reminded from a conversation with the tengu, Hitesu, hearing that both Wado Ichimonji and Enma were crafted by the same blacksmith: Shimotsuki Kozaburo. He was a man who broke the law and was exiled from Wano over 50 years ago.

Memories come flooding back of his childhood days in Shimotsuki Village in the East Blue. An old man used to always sit by the coast's edge, who was actually Kuina's grandfather, although Zoro didn't know that at the time. Old Man Kozaburo told Zoro about a magic word, Sunacchi, used to summon strength. The young Zoro doesn't seem to take the old blacksmith's words seriously and is only curious if such a geezer truly used to be a samurai just as the rumors at the dojo say.

When Kozaburo watches Zoro training to beat Kuina, the old blacksmith gifts him with him two swords. He gives Zoro some words of wisdom, reminding him that a sword is a tool for murder, and he should never neglect that fact. Swords have personality and a good swordsman should learn that about their sword but must be able to bend the sword to their will, as well.

Kozaburo also doesn't believe any sword is truly cursed, only that weak people who can't handle a quality sword call them cursed. He's reminded of his masterpiece, the greatest sword he ever made, gifted the name of the king who watches hell, Enma. Zoro sees that Enma has been testing him and so with newfound resolve, he takes the sword in hand. As a group of Beast Pirates arrived on the scene, Zoro unknowingly releases his Conqueror's Haki, knocking them out.

One Piece Zoro smirk

The swordsman stands defiantly as he faces King, and so the Lumarian asks " intend to be a king then?" Another memory comes flooding back to Zoro; of when he first met Luffy, and with a cheeky smile, he replies back "That's right...I've got a promise to keep to my captain and my best friend!"

While certainly not the most tragic or rich backstory among the crew, Zoro's beginnings are simple to understand and melancholic, so it's nice to finally see more of the swordsman's past expanded upon. Having his hometown be indirectly connected to Wano is a great touch, and this chapter ends on a very sweet moment. As much of a tough guy Zoro is, he doesn't hesitate to call Luffy his "best friend" which is very fitting.

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