My Senpai is Annoying is a charming new josei anime series set in the workplace, and it follows the heroine Igarashi Futaba as she embarks on a quest not only to impress her boss but also to find true love. She has her heart set on the gentle giant Takeda Harumi, who annoys her all the time with his gently patronizing attitude.
Igarashi has a long road ahead of her, but she's a tough and stubborn person who has overcome serious odds before. Throughout Season 1, Igarashi blossomed into a truly respectable josei star, though her personal quest isn't over yet. Many plot threads of My Senpai is Annoying remain loose, and fans are burning to know how the series' most intriguing questions will be answered in potential future installments.
Will Kazama Sota Confess His Feelings To Sakurai?
My Senpai is Annoying features not one but two office romances, with the secondary romance focusing on the aloof kuudere Kazama Sota and his lovely co-worker Sakurai Toko. Sparks started to fly between them early in the series, and bit by bit, they have come closer together, including spending New Year's Eve together at Sakurai's apartment and visiting a local Shinto shrine in the new year.
So far, however, their romance has been a timid and cautious one, with both characters holding their cards close to their chests. Fans must be eager to see Kazama prove something to Sakurai and himself, and make a big romantic gesture to sweep her off her feet. The stage is set, and the question now is when and how Kazama will make his move.
Will Sakurai Yuto Ever Become A Confident Athlete?
Sakurai Toko's kid brother Yuto is still in school, and he's not nearly as confident as his big sister. Yuto enjoys sports and physical activity, just like Igarashi's friend Kurobe, but Yuto doubts that he's good enough to join any of the teams at his school and impress anyone. Twice in Season 1, Yuto got help from his sister's friends to build his confidence and help him choose a sport to pour all his energies into, but it's been slow going.
It's not yet clear whether Yuto will make it onto any sports team or if so, on which team it will be. He might start running track as Kurobe once did, or he might take up basketball since he enjoyed playing and watching that sport with Igarashi and the others.
What Will Kurobe Natsumi Do Next?
Igarashi's middle school friend Kurobe Natsumi plays a supporting role in My Senpai is Annoying, and she sometimes teases her old friend about Takeda while also giving Yuto a few encouraging words about sports and the spirit of perseverance. She was inspired by Futaba's creative spirit in school, and now Kurobe wants to share that passion with others.
Still, Kurobe can only do that for so long before her character starts to feel superfluous. She needs a character arc of her own, and Season 1 didn't provide one. Fans will want to know what's next for Kurobe, and interestingly, there might be room for a third romantic plot concerning her. If so, it may be Igarashi's turn to tease her about her blossoming feelings. Now that leaves the question of what Kurobe's type is.
Will Takeda Harumi Finally Return Igarashi's Feelings?
Igarashi's romance with Takeda can be one-sided for only so long, and fans must be wondering the same thing as Igrashi -- when and how will Takeda express his feelings for her in return? In Season 1, Takeda maintained a friendly and platonic air about him where Igarashi is concerned, treating her more like a kid sister than a potential partner, to Igarashi's frustration. Surely though, Takeda will realize and then act upon his own feelings, and like Kazama Sota, he is overdue to make a big romantic gesture to the lady who's so fond of him.
Takeda did help care for Igarashi when she was ill and vice versa, which was a start, but Takeda has yet to make that big gesture that will irreversibly move the relationship to the next level. Even though Igarashi is eager for Takeda to return the favor romance-wise, Takeda must play his cards carefully and put some thought into this. It's likely that he's never done anything like this before, after all.
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