JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Jotaro Kujo’s 5 Best Fight Scenes, Ranked

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure combines classic shonen action with incredibly creative combat systems and characters. This is especially true during the Stardust Crusaders story arc, featuring Jotaro Kujo, the third Joestar hero. Unlike his forebear Jonathan Joestar, Jotaro is clever, street-wise and resourceful, and he proved it many times against DIO's minions.

The action began when Jotaro faced Noriaki Kakyoin and defeated him at school, then freed his mind by destroying the flesh bud in Kakyoin's forehead. But that was just a warmup -- Jotaro's most exciting and intense battles were still ahead of him, from Japan to Egypt to facing DIO at last. Which of his fight scenes stand out the most?

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5. Jotaro Kujo Vs Enya: The Battle In Pakistan

Partway through the trip to Egypt, Jotaro's gang paid a visit to India, where Muhammad Avdol seemingly lost his life to Hol Horse before Polnareff and the rest defeated J. Geil. Soon after that, J. Geil's vengeful mother Enya stepped onto the stage. She had taken control of an entire town in Pakistan, and once Jotaro's gang visited, they were walking right into her trap. Enya's Stand, Justice, enveloped the place in insidious fog, and she used open wounds to control people and kill them.

Enya nearly slew Polnareff this way before Jotaro used a fake name in the hotel registry to sniff out the enemy, then took her on. Jotaro made sure to suffer no wounds before using Star Platinum to simply inhale Justice's fog, ending Enya's rampage once and for all. Enya became Jotaro's prisoner of war, but her flesh bud killed her before he could extract any intel. DIO leaves nothing to chance.

4. Jotaro Kujo Vs Daniel J. D'Arby: A Game Of "Chance" In Egypt

avdol jojo with jotaro egypt

The gang faced even more powerful Stand users in Egypt, many of whom operated more like assassins than frontline fighters. For example, Daniel J. D'Arby was a master gambler and cheater who used his Stand, Osiris, to steal the soul of anyone who lost to him. Joseph Joestar and Polnareff challenged him only to fall prey to Daniel's sly cheating, so Jotaro took his turn.

However, Daniel is not used to being on the defensive. Jotaro realized this, so he made an enormous wager and demanded that Daniel match it in an all-or-nothing battle. Daniel was unprepared for this kind of pressure, and couldn't figure out why Jotaro was so incredibly confident about his poker hand. He soon folded under the pressure and released all his captured souls. Surprise: Jotaro had a weak hand, and used sheer bluffing to beat Daniel in a contest more about mind games than cards.

3. Jotaro Kujo Vs Rubber Soul, Facing The Indestructible Ooze

Earlier in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Jotaro's gang stopped by Singapore where Kakyoin started making strange comments and even ate a bug, and Jotaro realized something was very wrong. It wasn't Noriaki Kakyoin at all, but an enemy Stand called Yellow Temperance, controlled by the man named Rubber Soul. But Yellow Temperance can do more than shape-shift -- it can also spread all over the place and devour anything, and Rubber Soul was confident this ooze would act as the ultimate defense while also being the perfect tool to kill Jotaro.

The situation seemed hopeless as the two Stand users faced off in a cable car, but then Jotaro fled into the water below and Rubber Soul followed him. Eventually, Rubber Soul had to uncover his face to breathe, and that was Jotaro's chance to slug him and beat him half to death. His adversary tried one last attack, only for Jotaro to counter it and send him flying.

2. Jotaro Kujo Vs N'Doul: Water & Sound In The Egyptian Sands

This was a tag team battle involving both Jotaro Kujo and his new canine ally, Iggy (who used a Stand called The Fool). The Speedwagon Foundation, the legacy of Robert E. O. Speedwagon, was there and ready to help Jotaro's gang launch their new adventure in Egypt -- but then an enemy Stand user arrived, the vicious N'Doul. This deviant doesn't face his foes directly, however, preferring to remotely use his aquatic Stand, Geb, to attack his foes based on sound.

Geb could move quickly and harden itself into ice to perform slashing and stabbing attacks, and the situation initially looked dire. But then Jotaro forced Iggy to help him, using his companion as a distraction to get much closer to the distant N'Doul and strike him down. However, N'Doul took his own life before Jotaro could capture him. The final leg of the journey has truly begun.

1. Jotaro Kujo Vs DIO: The Fated Showdown In Cairo's Streets

Once Vanilla Ice succumbed to Polnareff, no more enemy Stand users remained save for DIO himself. But even by JoJo's Bizarre Adventure's usual standards, this was a serious challenge. DIO's Stand, The World, can freeze time for a few seconds, and he used this incredible power first to hold off Polnareff, then kill Kakyoin during an evening battle in downtown Cairo. Joseph and Jotaro figured out Kakyoin's last message and took the fight to DIO against all odds.

Joseph was down for the count, so Jotaro fought DIO alone, fist to fist. As for that time-freezing power, DIO could have killed Jotaro with it, but incredibly, Jotaro learned to use that power himself by moving in DIO's time-frozen world. That, combined with some resourceful tricks and devastating melee attacks, allowed Jotaro to turn the tables on DIO and finally defeat him. Once the Egyptian sun rose, DIO crumbled to dust. Mission complete.

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