JoJo’s 5 Weirdest Names – and What They Mean

Famously, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is not afraid to get weird and surreal. From the strange Stand abilities to the shifting colors during intense fights, JoJo is focused on being as wild as its creator can make it. And that dedication to strangeness extends to the characters' names, some of which seem as if they've been picked at random. But every character and Stand in JoJo has a name for a reason.

Most of them are references to music, either song titles, bands or album names. And while the names might not make much sense at first glance, a deeper dive into them makes these choices seem less random and poorly thought out. These are just a few examples of JoJo's interesting naming scheme.

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Coco Jumbo

JoJo Golden Wind Coco Jumbo Sly Turtle

Coco Jumbo, named after a song by the German band Mr. President, is a turtle with the Stand ability to pull anyone into a room that exists in his shell, so long as a special key is inserted into the depression on the shell. His Stand itself is named Mr. President, so it only makes sense for the turtle to be named after the song that brought that band to mainstream popularity.

Interestingly, Coco Jumbo and his Stand were never actually named in the Golden Wind arc. Before the release of JOJO A-GO!GO!, an art book dedicated to creator Hirohiki Araki talking about everything JoJo, Coco Jumbo was never referred to by a name, even by Araki himself, and his Stand was instead tentatively called "T-Rex."

Vinegar Doppio

Vinegar Doppio is the timider alter ego of the boss of Passione, Diavolo. In Italian, "Doppio" means "double," hinting that he's Diavolo's other personality, who is also used by the paranoid mob boss to hide his true identity. Doppio could be considered Diavolo's "body double," in a sense.

Not only that but Doppio and Diavolo share the same body, even though they are considered different people with different souls. Despite normally sharing the same body, in the final arc of Golden Wind, when the main cast swaps bodies, Diavolo and Doppio find themselves in different bodies, thus solidifying the idea that they are two separate people who just happen to share the same body. The word "double" fits Doppio to a T.


Esidisi battle tendency

While it may be spelled differently -- likely an attempt to avoid copyright -- Esidisi is named after the Australian rock band, AC/DC. One of the four Pillar Men, he shares his naming convention with the rest of his brethren. That is to say, all the Pillar Men are named after rock bands from various locations.

Maybe rock was really popular back in the time of the Pillar Men? They were revived after being trapped in stone -- or rock -- after hundreds and hundreds of years, so perhaps they chose their names as a light-hearted homage to what kept them alive for so long. Or perhaps the bands knew the legends of the Pillar Men and named themselves after these powerful creatures.


Nukesaku stardust crusaders

Featured right before the climactic showdown with DIO, Nukesaku is a vampire minion of DIO who has a second, feminine face on the back of his head. He uses this face to trick people into thinking he's a helpless maiden trapped in the evil vampire's manor so he can lure them closer and kill them. However, his shortsightedness leads him to forget that when he's presenting his female face to others, and, his hands and other extremities are on backward, so the Stardust Crusaders can see through his ruse almost immediately.

Fittingly, Nukesaku's name is just the Japanese word for "idiot." A perfect name for a vampire who thinks his plan to be so foolproof, he fails even the most basic of spot checks before putting it into action.

Nukesaku's second face is never explained as a Stand ability, nor has there ever been any other vampire that possesses two faces in JoJo, so it's unknown how or why Nukesaku ended up with a fully functional female-presenting face on the back of his head.

Mannish Boy

mannish boy

Perhaps the worst thing to name your newborn child, Mannish Boy is one of the antagonists featured in the Stardust Crusaders arc. He's an infant boy with the Stand Death 13, which allows him to enter and control people's nightmares. And no, Mannish Boy is not a nickname of any kind -- it's the actual name this child's parents gave him.

Mannish Boy is named after a song by the American blues singer, McKinley Morganfield, known professionally as Muddy Waters. His name is likely a reference to the fact that despite being an infant, Mannish Boy is still capable of rational thought and actions on the level of a fully-grown adult. Though he acts like a normal baby to try and avoid people getting suspicious of him, when people's backs are turned, or when he's using his Stand abilities, Mannish Boy shows his true colors as a violent and sadistic individual who is capable of planning ahead.

While practically every JoJo character has a weird name, these five are unlike any you would hear in real life. And yet, despite their strangeness, they all have at least a little bit of thought behind them, and that makes it easier to appreciate them, rather than laugh at the poor kids whose parents decided to name them Vinegar and Mannish Boy.

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