Popular volleyball anime Haikyuu!! has released two teaser trailers for the second cour of Season 4, which is set to air from Oct. 3!
Featuring sneak peeks from the upcoming episodes, the trailers also showcase the new opening theme, “Toppako” by Super Beaver, plus the ending theme, “One Day” by Spyair.
Inspired by Furudate Haruichi’s popular volleyball manga, Haikyuu!! follows the adventures of Karasuno High School's boys volleyball team as they play their way to the top. The upcoming cour will focus on the second day of the spring inter-high championships, in which Karasuno face off against their strongest rivals, the players of Inarizaki High School.
Haikyuu!! Season 4 returns on Oct. 3.
(C)Furudate Haruichi / Shueisha, Haikyuu!! Production Committee, MBS
Adapted with permission from Anime!Anime!