The final installment of the Eureka Seven: Hi-Evolution movie series, Eureka: Eureka Seven: Hi-Evolution, will open in Japanese cinemas this summer!
The movie has released a new teaser poster, as well as a trailer narrated by Eureka (voiced by Nazuka Kaori).
Originally a 2005 TV anime series by Bones, the Eureka Seven franchise follows Renton, a youth who joins renegade group Gekkostate after meeting a mysterious mecha pilot named Eureka.
Eureka Seven: Hi-Evolution is the franchise's second three-part movie series. It began with Eureka Seven: Hi-Evolution 1 in 2017, followed by Anemone: Eureka Seven Hi-Evolution in 2018.
Eureka: Eureka Seven: Hi-Evolution opens at cinemas across Japan this summer.
Adapted with permission from Anime!Anime!