When Eurovision announced its cancellation last week, we mourned our lost chance to ever hear main-stage performances of such future hits as “Think About Things (Daði og Gagnamagnið)” by Daði Freyr (of Iceland) and “SUPERG!RL” by Stefania (of Greece). The BBC won’t be leaving Brits high and dry, though, planning a one-night Eurovision-related program, Eurovision: Come Together, for May 16. Hosted by TV comedian Graham Norton, it’ll give a taste of the new while revisiting classic performances (we know it’s the U.K., but we can only hope for a commemoration of Ireland’s 2008 performance by Dustin the Turkey). The special will indeed feature James Newman, the U.K.’s planned 2020 entry. As the BBC hopes to provide some much-needed entertainment after coronavirus-related event cancellations, it’ll also broadcast a Glastonbury Experience in lieu of the festival’s canceled 50th-anniversary weekend.