Jujutsu Kaisen: Itadori Yuji’s MBTI Type & What It Says About the Sorcerer

Jujutsu Kaisen might be considered one of the unofficial "big three" of modern shonen, and for good reason. It has a dark but exciting combat system based on curses and a fair balance of humor, action, drama and mystery about it, especially where characters like Itadori Yuji are concerned. Yuji may be tough, but he is kind and sensitive, too.

That makes him a lot like Kamado Tanjiro or Midoriya Izuku, but Yuji finds ways to set himself apart from those shonen heroes and find his own voice. His personality is a compelling one, and it can be measured not only with his astrological sign but also his MBTI personality type.

Itadori Yuji's Personality Type: ESFJ-T, The Consul

Yuji fits the Consul personality type, meaning he's outgoing and people-oriented, but in different ways than his mentor Gojo Satoru, who fits the Campaigner personality type. Yuji's personality code ids ESFJ, or Extroverted Sensing Feeling Judging, so he's a naturally altruistic and proactive boy who will never hesitate to do the right thing for others. All this makes the Consul personality type like a hybrid of the humble Defender and the dazzling Protagonist, and thus Yuji strikes a fine balance between sensitive and heroic. Perhaps that's why he's so compelling as a shonen lead.

Consuls like Yuji are naturally drawn to other people, and they are perfectly comfortable making new friends and playing an active role in any group or party. They're not as whimsical or showy as the Entertainer type, but a Consul feels that they have a noble duty to help others, either with heroic actions or simply providing a shoulder to cry on. Most notably, Consuls have a fairly rigid and dogmatic view on right and wrong when aiding others, and they don't tend to make up their own rules or rely on mysticism or intuition. Instead, Consuls follow their society's established traditions of justice, and that can make them a bit narrow-minded at times. Consuls must be careful to remember that other people sometimes have their own sense of right vs. wrong.

To a degree, an ESFJ can also be described as a people pleaser, but without the timid nature of a Defender or the leadership skills of a Campaigner. Rather, Consuls strike a balance between spontaneity and order, being the type to get a group of good friends together and plan a fun afternoon of festivities for all. Consuls also rush to help anyone who needs their help with personal or practical matters, since Consuls are sensitive to others and empathetic to their needs. For a Consul, every cry for help is worth answering, and a Consul may feel terrible if they fail to uphold their noble ideals of altruism and charity.

Itadori Yuji As A Consul In Jujutsu Kaisen

Yuji Itadori in Jujutsu Kaisen

When he first appeared, Yuji met his grandfather in the hospital one last time, and he listened carefully when his dying grandfather explained to him the importance of having good friends and fighting for the sake of others, and to never die alone. As an ESFJ, Yuju took that to heart and started treating his grandfather's parting words as an ironclad rule of life. Yuji also has a more general sense of right and wrong that's generally in line with how modern society works, putting an emphasis on self-defense while also fighting hard to protect others without taking human lives in the process. Yuji's personal rule is to never take a person's life, seeing it as terribly unethical. He's not exactly a gritty seinen antihero.

Yuji's Consul side also makes itself evident during group events, such as when Yuji must fight alongside his friends and allies against powerful curses like Hanami or Mahito himself. Yuji isn't the type to seek glory in battle or take center stage -- he gladly fights alongside allies such as Kugisaki Nobara and Todo Aoi, cooperating closely with them to create an effective team-based strategy and achieve victory. Meanwhile, between fights, Yuji is quick to please others and follow the rules -- he barely even complained when Satoru put him through a bizarre training regimen involving emotional regulation while watching The Lord of the Rings.

Most of all, Yuji expressed his Consul side when he met the bullied Yoshino Junpei, a troubled boy who simply needed help. Yuji was eager to defend and befriend Junpei, and even visited the Yoshino household to have dinner with Junpei and his kind mother. Later, Mahito manipulated Junpei into attacking his classmates at school and mutated Junpei into a curse-like monster.

Yuji was absolutely heartbroken, and he couldn't easily bring himself to slay Junpei, even to defend himself. Because of this, Yuji swore to destroy Mahito no matter what and get revenge for robbing the poor Junpei of the future he could have had. Any shonen hero would gladly take the fight to Mahito given the chance, but the empathetic Consul Yuji was fighting for more than the sake of peace. This was personal, and the emotionally sensitive Yuji gained a mental scar that would never heal.

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