Having only last month supplied trance-land with the epically touching, Susana-sung (and ASOT Future Favourite’d!) ‘I Matter To You’, Richard Durand single-pushes on towards the release of his new LP. With the album primed for release early in the New Year, ‘Give Your Heart A Home’ – the next ‘Reactivate’ trailblazer – also represents a first-time pairing with the queen of trance, HALIENE.
With his production Richard gives the floor no cause for pause, burning it up at pace with a no-prisoners b-line and the most tenacious of kick-drums. From the assured confidence of its verse to its empathetic-through-euphoric chorus, tonally HALIENE’s song arcs the full emotional range, serving yet another stunning example of her vocal abilities.
From Amsterdam to the world, ‘Give Your Heart A Home’ by Richard Durand & HALIENE