Shaman King: After Necromancy, How Far Can Shaman Magic Go?

The cast of Shaman King has incredible supernatural abilities tied to their sixth sense, with their ghost partners furthering their powers. These skills manifest mainly in tremendous attacks and weapons used to aid them in the Shaman Fight, although some fighters have unique powers far beyond their opponents. One of these is the necromancy employed by Faust, which resurrects corpses as undead zombies.

Nonetheless, Faust's zombie-controlling power is just the tip of the iceberg in Shaman King, with shamans displaying wholesale resurrection, elemental manipulation and other powers. This allows the shamans involved to manipulate their surroundings in both this world and that of the spirits.

Necromancy in Shaman King

As mentioned, Faust is introduced showing off the power to animate deceased corpses and make them his undead underlings. However, these zombies still have the appearance and mannerisms of mostly brainless automatons, so it isn't true life. Regardless, this isn't the extent of this power, as Faust later pushes himself to truly resurrect someone who had recently died. The caveat was that their physical body had not been too badly damaged, so whether or not a corpse such as what Faust had been used to dealing with could be returned to its mortal state is unknown.

Given that Faust's use of this power is a later development in the series' manga, it's possible that he and other shamans with similar powers could gain greater mastery of their necromancy depending on their level of experience. Thus, like most things, it's all dependent upon the user's proficiency and magic levels. There are also female shamans called itako, who specialize in summoning the spirits of the deceased residing in Heaven and bringing them back to Earth.

Anna, Yoh's girlfriend and future wife, is an itako, and this training allows her to exorcise the spirits of the dead. It even gives her control over whether or not they go to Heaven or Hell, meaning that shamans can control both this life and the next. She later teaches the skill to Yoh, however, so it's not a power exclusive to itako.

Control Over the Elements

Shamans such as Hao and Yoh are able to control the elements to varying degrees, although Hao demonstrates mastery over this power. With Yoh and his fire spirit, he can summon powerful fireballs as well as sheath his weapons in flame. Hao, on the other hand, has greater control over all of the elements due to his first life as an Onmyodo/Onmyoji. These were considered the most powerful class of shaman who naturally had the power to control the five elements. Likewise, due to Hao's constant rebirths and exposure to the spirit world, his elemental powers are even greater than other Onmyodo.

Once again, it would seem that the limit to these powers is the individual's own power and magic level, with Hao's greatly outranking that of Yoh's. Compared to Hao, Yoh was also a much more lackadaisical person who didn't take training too seriously, explaining his more mundane use of the fire element.

Telepathy in Shaman King

Shaman King Hao Yoh brothers

Another useful skill is that of Reishi, in which a shaman can read the spirit of others. This allows the shaman to sympathize with whatever the other person is feeling, although it has its drawbacks. For one, a supremely powerful shaman will have a heightened degree of awareness through Reishi, which will thus bombard them with others' thoughts. This can be hard to control and can even make the shaman resent the humans surrounding them, as shown in Hao's mentality.

The power is also derived from loneliness, which to be fair should make it a common ability given that shamans are typically ostracized by humans. However, even in the case of the loner Hao, encountering and befriending enough people and developing a relationship with them as he does later on in the series will ease this loneliness and render Reishi inactive. Thus, it can be ascertained that due to many of them already having some amount of friends, most shamans in the series will never develop this power in a substantial way. After all, Yoh never showcases the power, and he lacks much in the way of friends before meeting Manta.

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