Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-Kun is a colorful and family-friendly isekai anime series starring Iruma Suzuki, an ordinary 14-year-old boy who finds himself in the demonic Netherworld, attending the all-demon Babyls school as a transfer student. At first, he only had his foster grandfather Sullivan to look after him, but he soon made many good friends, several of whom are girls.
Iruma can get along with just about anybody, and he impressed the school council president, Azazel Ameri, one of the most prestigious students in Babyls. From there, Iruma met several more memorable girls, including the charming mother of his classmate, Valac Clara. These girls help round out the story's cast and are well-developed characters in their own right. Who are they?
Azazel Ameri Is Both Vulnerable And Powerful
Arguably, Iruma-Kun!'s best-balanced character is Azazel Ameri, making her an easy contender for Best Girl. She has many strengths, from her position as the student council president and boundless confidence and rhetorical skills to her remarkable combat abilities. She is tough but fair and is highly protective of her allies, including her new friend Iruma, who introduces her to the wonderful world of shojo manga.
Ameri also has a few insecurities, mostly involving her height and strength -- she can't easily emulate the petite, delicate shojo characters she reads about, and this made her first date with Iruma a bit awkward. She also tends to overthink things and get easily stressed. These insecurities aren't too serious, but they do give Ameri room to grow, and they're charming and relatable without sabotaging the character's strengths.
Valac Clara Makes The Friends She Always Wanted
Valac Clara was introduced as the typical hyperactive girl who exists just to stir up trouble, but the story's narrative found more to do with her than that. Clara, like Ameri, has some insecurities to work through, mainly her inability to make sincere friends -- people merely use her for her incredible pocket-based creation ability.
Clara has a loving and supporting family back home, and once Iruma and Asmodeus Alice were invited over, Alice learned a lesson: to stop pressuring himself to be perfect and be grateful for what he has. Clara has no ambition; she finds joy in her family and everyday life, and that gives her humble wisdom.
Clara's Mother Is The Ultimate Anime Mom
Clara's unnamed mother ranks among the best anime mothers, and there's no special secret to how she did it. Clara's mother runs a cheerful and loving household to the point where everyone, including herself, will break into song and dance to make a point or introduce themselves. Only the best demon mother could raise a family like that.
Clara's mother keeps her kids happy and busy all day long, and she also stepped into defeat the fearsome Shabu-Shabu with a single punch. Later, she cooked that beast with love to make a fine dinner for everyone, guests included.
Elizabetta X Believes In True Love
One of Iruma's classmates in the Abnormal Class is Elizabetta X, a fairly tall and kind demon girl who usually blends into the background. However, when she does play an active role, she makes a good case for herself, mostly with her outgoing and friendly personality that contrasts with the eccentric, highly-strung or even violent students around her, such as Jazz and Sabnock.
This makes Elizabetta a real stabilizing element in the class, and she was the star of the "girl talk" session she shared with Kerori, Clara and Ameri. In the upcoming Season 3, Elizabetta may provide more of the same, but there's also the possibility of her having a breakout scene where she truly steals the show.
Kerori/Kuroma Inspires People With Song
Iruma's meekest classmate is the pale-haired Kerori, who hides behind her round glasses and icy silence in class. However, this is just a facade; she is actually a pop idol star named Kuromu who can easily draw huge crowds with her performances. She got really worked up when Iruma stumbled upon her secret, and Iruma, Clara and Alice ended up performing as idols themselves.
Most notably, Kerori had her heroic moment when she sang for the frightened crowds at Walter Park during the battle, and only she could have pulled off such a performance. All her classmates were amazed, even if they didn't know Kerori's secret, and no doubt they'll be going to the next Kuromu show themselves. Demon idols are a big deal in the Netherworld.
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