My Hero Academia's cast is set to grow yet again with the release of the franchise's third feature-length animated movie, My Hero Academia: World Heroes' Mission, and an exciting new trailer has recently been released. Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugo and Shoto Todoroki will take the lead in this new adventure, and they're about to meet some fascinating new allies and enemies alike.
As a recent episode's post-credit scenes suggested, World Heroes' Mission will be set in the fictional European nation of Otheon while local civilians, heroes and villains alike will populate the scene along with fan-favorites from Class 1-A. Only scant details are known at the moment, but there's enough material for some speculation too.
A New Civilian: Rody Soul, An Otheon Native
Based on his shabby, mismatched clothes and hairstyle, Rody Soul appears to be a punkish young man. In the MHA: World Heroes' Mission trailer, he is seen fleeing the police while carrying a metal suitcase with unknown contents. Partway through, Izuku arrives and retrieves Rody during this pursuit, suggesting that at the very least, the contents of Rody's suitcase are vital.
Perhaps Rody is a vigilante or a petty criminal who stumbled into a larger plot and got in over his head. If so, Izuku may give him a chance to make up for his mistakes and fight as a true, if amateur, superhero in the battle for Otheon. His Quirk, if any, is currently unknown.
Claire Voyance, A New Pro Hero Who Can See Through Anything
A new Pro Hero named Claire Voyance also appears in the World Heroes' Mission trailer. Her outfit includes the WHA logo on its upper sleeves, suggesting the existence (and Claire's membership of) an organization named World Heroes Association. If so, she is one of several international heroes ready to respond to emergencies around the globe. Her nation of origin is not yet known, though she does work with the flaming Endeavor.
Claire's Clairvoyance Quirk allows her to see through anything, including walls, to the other side. This makes her highly effective at spotting enemy ambushes or traps ahead of time and could be useful for search-and-rescue missions as well. The Wild, Wild Pussycats could use a member with her talents.
The New Villains: Sir Pentas, Leviathan, Belos & More
The main villain of My Hero Academia: World Heroes' Mission is the blue man Flect Turn, and he has several villains at his disposal, all with unique Quirks and fighting styles.
Belos is a young woman who serves in a supporting role for the villains, with an unnamed archery Quirk that can morph her left hand into a bow for combat (which may remind manga readers of Lady Nagant from recent chapters). Belos has light body armor at most, instead opting for a green cape and hood to conceal her appearance, along with a face mask. Izuku and his allies are mainly close-range fighters, so they will no doubt be challenged to find a way to ambush Belos and defeat her up close.
Sir Pentas is a purple-haired villain who is actually two people, an identity shared between (possibly twin) brothers. He has snake-like features that may call Orochimaru of Naruto fame to mind, yet his Quirk is based on swords rather than snakes. With this unnamed Quirk, Sir Pentas can manipulate several swords at once, making them deadly in close-range combat. It is unclear if Sir Pentas has any other snake-like attributes, such as sensing heat like a rattlesnake or simply having cool, dry skin.
Shidero is another villain working for Flect Turn who plays a supporting role. He works well with the archer Belos, since his unnamed Quirk allows him to create a steady supply of iron balls that can be used as ammunition. No doubt these two will often be seen side by side in World Heroes' Mission, and Izuku may realize capturing Shidero will be the key to neutralizing and capturing Belos afterward.
Leviathan is the largest new villain appearing in World Heroes' Mission, a hulking beast of a man with paper-white skin and black, flame-shaped marks on his face and sizable forearms. He also has several sets of tubes running from his head to his back, which may contain blood, based on the color inside. His features may remind viewers of the Batman villain Bane, though it's unclear if Leviathan can be easily neutralized by having those tubes disconnected or damaged. Based on his Quirk, Leviathan is a water manipulator, which should make him an interesting opponent for Shoto to face.
Allen Kay may or may not be a villain in World Heroes' Mission -- in fact, he might simply be an innocent civilian, though the black eyepatch over his right eye suggests he has combat experience, and he could be a vigilante or rogue. Very little is known of this character, though he is noted for having a fairly ordinary face and head, including medium-length brown hair. His role in the story might be connected to Rody Soul and that metal suitcase. Perhaps stealing it was Allen's idea, and Rody is his minion or was hired to help him.
My Hero Academia: World Heroes' Mission opens in Japanese theaters on August 6.
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