Since their introduction early in the franchise, Dragon Ball has played host to increasingly powerful transformations. However, certain dire circumstances have required the Z-Fighters and their enemies to undergo particularly massive changes through the process of fusion, whether through Potara Earrings, the Fusion Dance or other means, to reach new heights of power. While Dragon Ball Super has also introduced some new fusions, there are still a number of characters we'd like to see join together at some point in the future. In this new video, we're going to lay out some fusions we'd love to see in the future.
We're starting our list off with a villainous pairing: Frieza and Kid Buu. Two of the most powerful fighters in Dragon Ball history, the two would be practically unstoppable if they combined, with Frieza more than likely taking control of their shared body. Together, they could use their planet-destroying techniques to wipe out their enemies. Even with Ultra Instinct, Goku may not be able to stand against the combination of Kid Buu and Frieza.
Check out the video below for more Dragon Ball fusions we want to see at some point in the future.
Dragon Ball Super was the most recent installment in the franchise, not counting the original net animation Super Dragon Ball Heroes. Although it's unclear just when -- or if -- the series will return, the Dragon Ball franchise is popular, so it's unlikely to stay gone for long. The manga currently expands on the ending of Dragon Ball Super, taking Goku and Vegeta into space to fight against the energy-absorbing Moro. However, it's unclear if when the anime returns it will actually pull from that plotline.
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