The rebooted Digimon anime recently revealed Patamon's Champion form, Angemon. Angemon is an angel, but there are also more devilish types of Digimon. Seven demonic Digimon sit at the top of the pantheon of dark Digimon — the aptly named "Seven Great Demon Lords" or "Seven Deadly Digimon." They each embody one of the seven deadly sins of Christianity - Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy and Pride. Longtime Digimon veterans are no doubt familiar with this group, especially if they've played the Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth games, where the Seven Deadly Digimon feature as postgame bosses. For those who are experiencing Digimon for the first time, here's a brief introduction to each of the Seven Great Demon Lords.
The embodiment of Greed, Barbamon is designed to resemble the demon Barbatos. Barbamon has a long beard, sharp claws, and a bedazzled scepter. The Digimon Reference Book describes Barbamon as "obsessed with all the treasure that exists in the Network," even to the point of killing other Digimon to get what he wants. In Digimon Data Squad, Barbamon is shown to be quickly dispatched by the Digi-Destined but in most other media, he is shown to be a worthy adversary.
Respresenting Gluttony, Beelzemon might be the most familiar Great Demon Lord to longtime fans, as he was featured heavily in Digmon Tamers, the third anime series. Named for Beelzebub, he takes the appearance of a traditional "biker" with a complete leather ensemble, spiked leather boots, dual shotguns called the Berejena and even a motorcycle called "Behemoth." He can "Mode Change" like many other powerful Digimon into Beelzemon Blast Mode, where he sprouts large, black-feathered wings and he gains a powerful beam cannon that replaces his right arm. Unlike his fellow Demon Lords, Beelzemon can feel empathy and has even assisted protagonists in many past Digimon media, though he prefers to be a loner and thus wouldn't join up with the good guys outside of chance encounters.
The slumbering giant Belphemon represents Sloth — at least in its Sleep Mode. While it's sleeping, Belphemon resembles a cute little plushie version of itself, but make no mistake, even in this form, its snores are dangerous. Once awakened, Belphemon roars into Rage Mode where it destroys everything in its sight. In Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth, Tamers must battle both forms of Belphemon with powerful Vaccine-type Mega Digimon or risk getting annihilated by Belphemon. Even then, your type-resistant Digimon will still take tons of damage from Belphemon's furious fists. It is not a fight for the faint of heart.
The most obviously Evil Digimon on this list, Daemon is digital Satan. The embodiment of Wrath, Daemon looks every bit the part of a Demon Lord, resembling and having a similar backstory to Satan himself as a fallen angel. His claim to fame is being the most powerful Digimon in the original manga, Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01. While power creep has relegated him to a supporting role these days, where he usually serves as the first Demon Lord video game players will encounter, Daemon is ruthless, cunning, and should not be underestimated.
The "Goddess of Darkness," known as either Laylamon or Lillithmon, is the embodiment of Lust. Laylamon started her life as a fallen Ophanimon but now lives life as a bewitching temptress, looking to reward deviance and punish virtue. In the anime, she is not presented on the same power level of her cohorts, as she's easily dispatched in battle. Her encounter in Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth, however, is an intense battle of survival through status afflictions, befitting a queen of the underworld. Her signature move is Phantom Pain.
The largest of the Seven Great Demon Lords, Leviamon oddly embodies Envy. According to the Digimon Reference Book, Leviamon is the most powerful Digimon in the Digital World, where it slumbers in the depths of the network. Its gigantic jaw is powerful enough to swallow anything — even the entire Digital World! Its name and likeness are based off the Biblical Leviathan, a destructive sea creature.
The most powerful Great Demon Lord is Lucemon, the embodiment of Pride. Named for Lucifer himself, Lucemon is the only non-Virus typed Deadly Digimon, being a Vaccine-type in his original form. Like many of his compatriots, Lucemon can Mode Change into Lucemon Chaos Mode, where he becomes a representative of angelic and demonic all in one — and a Virus type like the others. Lucemon Chaos Mode aims to destroy worlds, then rebuild them in his image — definitely a scary proposition. In Digimon video games, Lucemon Chaos Mode often serves as the final Great Demon Lord encounter and offers the greatest challenge of them all.