Hipster Conspiracy started playing music a long time ago. However, it took her years to get ready to publicly and officially release her first album. That day has come, and we are extremely happy to share this news with you. Her new album is titled Dysphoria, and covers a wide array of genres, from R&B to live instrumentals, electro-indie textures, poetry, and much more. A natural talent, Hipster Conspiracy has the organic and essential need of channeling and expressing her emotions via sound, lyrics, and vibes, and at Electric Bounce, we deeply think that she has done a major effort with this debut release.
This first collection of urban tracks is a great reminder that Hip-Hop is not a static genre, or a limited one in any way. Real creators take genres and elevate them to higher levels, with a simple purpose in mind; to convey their messages, feelings, and intuitions.
Hipster Conspiracy is a transgender artist who has been through a lot during her lfe, and as most people who have suffered greatly, she has a unique gentleness that spreads throughout each of her songs, no matter how heavy or deep they are.