Beloved Studio Ghibli film My Neighbor Totoro will jump to the stage with a production by the Royal Shakespeare Company and longtime Ghibli composer Joe Hisaishi!
According to the official website, the world premiere will be held at London's Barbican stage on October 8, 2022. It will run for 15 weeks only, ending on January 21, 2023.
Hisaishi will provide the music for the production, which will be directed by Phelim McDermott and produced in collaboration with Improbable and Nippon TV. Playwright and screenwriter Tom Morton-Smith is credited with adapting the original film.
First released in Japan on April 16, 1988, My Neighbor Totoro tells the story of young sisters Satsuki and Mei, who befriend a large, friendly forest spirit and dub him Totoro.
My Neighbor Totoro's stage adaptation will run at London's Barbican stage from October 8, 2022, to January 21, 2023.
Source: My Neighbour Totoro stage adaptation website